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Banner: Canadian Genealogy CentreBanner: Canadian Genealogy Centre
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Genealogy Inquiry Form

Use this form to ask a specific question about genealogical sources and/or military personnel records held at Library and Archives Canada.

Important Note: You cannot use this online form for requests for military personnel records from 1918 to the present, including the Second World War. Those inquiries must be signed and sent by mail or fax.

Before continuing, please consult the following sections of our Website:

How to Begin (recommended for beginners)
What to Search: Topics ( e.g. military, immigration, census, etc)
Search for Ancestors (databases)

Because the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths is not a federal jurisdiction, Library and Archives Canada does not hold those documents and does not issue certificates. You must contact the appropriate provincial office.

Be sure to complete the next section so that your inquiry can be registered.
Note that some replies will be sent by mail, when enclosures are necessary.

Information about you

Last Name: (required)

First Name: (required)

Address 1:

Address 2:





E-mail address: (required)

Telephone during the day:

What is your question? Please be specific: (required)

Information about an ancestor/an individual

If your question is about a particular ancestor or individual, complete the following section. Provide as many details as possible, even if the information is only approximate.

Last Name:

First Name(s):



Father's name:

Mothers's name:


Date of birth:

Place of birth:


Spouse's name:

Date of marriage:

Place of marriage:


Date of death:

Place of death:

Other pertinent details:

Please note that we cannot send an acknowledgement confirming receipt of your inquiry.

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