Governor General
Messages from the Governor General
Eligibility: Canadian couples |
Message from the GG |
Message from The Queen - 60th (minimum) - Interval: 5 years* |
Birthday Messages
Eligibility: Canadians |
Message from the GG: |
Message from The Queen: |
*Subsequent messages may then be requested once every five years after the first message has been provided.
Every day, across our country, Canadians celebrate special milestones in their communities, in small towns and big cities alike. The Governor General sends messages of support to organizations hosting a major national or international conference in Canada or to organizations hosting an annual national event such as a cultural festival, a debating tournament or a sporting championship. Messages of support may also be sent to an organization hosting a special high-profile event such as a premiere of a national or international cultural, sporting or scientific event.
Typical Milestone Messages
Persons |
Organizations |
RELIGIOUS INDIVIDUALS Priests, nuns, ministers, mullas, mujtahids, rabbis, gurus Minimum: 25 years Interval: 5 years |
RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Congregations / Parishes Minimum: 100 years Interval: 25 years |
FAMILY Family settling in Canada Minimum: 100 years Interval: 5 years |
COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS For profit organizations, such as private industry, companies, small businesses, unions etc. No messages for business start-ups. Minimum: 75 years Interval: 25 years |
FAMILY REUNIONS Annual family reunions Interval: 5 years |
NATIONAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS (or their local chapters) Legions, Knights of Columbus, Optimist Club, Salvation Army, or other community-based service organizations (e.g. meals on wheels, shelters.) Minimum: 25 years Interval: 25 years |
VOLUNTEERS Of various service organizations, charitable groups, etc. Minimum: 25 years Interval: 5 years |
COMMUNITY GROUPS Not-for-profit groups such as amateur theatres, minor league sports, performance groups, musical groups, choirs, etc. Minimum: 25 years Interval: 25 years |
RETIREMENT Minimum 40 years, at the request of the employer. Retirement messages are not given to: |
COMMUNITY MILESTONES School, hospital, municipalities or municipal sites Minimum: 75 years Interval: 25 years |
If you wish to write to the Canadian Royal Family, you may address your correspondence to
Editorial Services
Policy, Program And Protocol Branch
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A1
Correspondence will be forwarded to Buckingham Palace.