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Library and Archives Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

The Public

Reference Inquiry Form

We will answer most questions in 2 to 30 working days, depending on the complexity of the question and our current workload.

Before asking your question, we encourage you to consult the following sources:

Amicus Web - A catalogue of the collections of the published material of Library and Archives Canada and other Canadian libraries.
ArchiviaNet - Information about the collections of the unpublished material of Library and Archives Canada from various databases and automated systems.
Canadian Genealogy Centre - A Library and Archives Canada service that provides electronic access to genealogical resources in Canada.
Canadian Encyclopedia - An electronic version of the Encyclopedia providing information on many Canadian topics.

Important Note: You cannot use this online form for requests for military personnel records from 1918 to the present, including the Second World War. Those inquiries must be signed and sent by mail or fax.

* Indicates Mandatory Field.

Client information

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Address 1:
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*Please help us to respond to your question by being as detailed and specific as possible.

* May we keep your question, without your name and other personal information, for re-use?

 Yes, re-use my question.
 No, do not re-use my question.

Sources Consulted

If you have done any preliminary research, please describe the sources and organizations that you have already consulted.

Please note that we cannot send an acknowledgement confirming receipt of your inquiry.
