Welcome to the Taxpayers' Ombudsman Web site. The Minister of National Revenue has established the position of Taxpayers' Ombudsman to enhance the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) accountability and service to the public and to provide the people it serves with renewed assurance that they will be treated fairly, equitably, and with respect.
The Taxpayers' Ombudsman is an independent and impartial officer who will operate at arm's length from the CRA and report to the Minister of National Revenue.
The Taxpayers' Ombudsman will be charged with reviewing service-related complaints about the CRA and upholding the Taxpayer Bill of Rights with regard to service matters. The Ombudsman will be the final level of review in the CRA complaint resolution process, including the CRA – Service Complaints program.
The Taxpayers' Ombudsman will be appointed following a public selection process. The Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsman will be operational in the fall of 2007.
These Web pages offer you more detailed information on the Taxpayers' Ombudsman and convenient online access to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights and the CRA – Service Complaints program.
For more information: