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The Multicultural portal is Library and Archives Canada's (LAC) gateway to multicultural and multilingual resources.

Multicultural Resources and Services  

The gateway offers targeted resources for information service providers who work with diverse communities, as well as entry points for new Canadians, educators, students, and researchers.

  • Consult LAC's Resources, including Lists of Ethnic Newspapers, Genealogical Resources, Web Projects, Cultural Finding Aids, Thematic Guides, Educational Resources, Special Collections, and Reports

  • Search the Directory to find national and international vendors, publishers, and cultural organizations

  • Develop a multicultural or multilingual collection using the Toolkit

  • Subscribe to the Discussion List

Multicultural Initiatives is the office that coordinates multicultural and multilingual services, programs and collections within LAC and facilitates cooperation at the national and international level. The office acts as champion for multiculturalism and builds networks to ensure that LAC represents and serves the geographic, linguistic and cultural diversity of all Canadians.

Your feedback is important to us. To share your comments, please Contact Us.