The Business Number (BN) is a federal numbering system which is assigned to a business (one business, one number) to deal with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Not all businesses require a Business Number (BN). You only need a BN if you require any one of the following business accounts:
The Business Number (BN) is a 9-digit identifier used in Canada to which businesses can register program accounts with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This number should be used when communicating with the CRA about accounts you have or wish to create.
Business Registration On-line is a service that allows you to register for a BN or a CRA account via the Internet. You can also register for some provincial programs accounts at the same time. Businesses that do not have complex registration requirements can use this service.
You can register for a BN and CRA account(s) by calling the Business Enquiries line.
You can register for a Business Number (BN) and CRA accounts by completing Form RC1, Request for a Business Number (BN) and mailing or faxing it to your tax services office.
If you operate your business in Quebec, you will have to register your GST/HST account(s) with the Ministère du revenu du Québec (MRQ). To register your payroll, import/export, or corporation income tax accounts you must still contact the CRA.
Contact the MRQ by calling, toll-free 1-800-567-4692, or by visiting the MRQ Web site.
Before you start to register, you need to know the following information:
The CRA is requesting that all new registrants provide the social insurance number (SIN) of at least one owner/director and the business activity of the business when registering.
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon Contact(s):
See National Contact.