This page contains a list of corporate publications about the Department of Justice. Canada's Consolidated Statutes and Regulations are not listed here but can be found on the Laws site. Specific documents related to programs and services of the Department can be found in the A-Z Index.
Audit Reports
Audits reports arranged by year.
Canada's Department of Justice (PDF Version )
Publication describing the work of Justice Canada.
Consultation Papers
Papers and reports on current and past consultations, along with our consultation policy and related sites.
Evaluation Reports
To ensure that the government has timely, strategically focussed, objective and evidence-based information on the performance of its policies, programs and initiatives to produce better results for Canadians.
Federal Child Support Guidelines: Step-by-Step
May 1, 2006
Federal guide to French legislative jurilinguistics (Guide fédéral de jurilinguistique législative française)
October 2006 The Guide is a revised and expanded version of the "Guide canadien de rédaction législative française". It is intended to assist French drafters by providing solutions to the most common language problems associated with the drafting of the French version of legislation in a co-drafting context.
Justice at Work
A brief overview of the life and work of some of the people who are part of our team.
justice canada
A newsletter published by the Department of Justice to shed light on the country's largest multidisciplinary legal practice group.
Legistics: Articles on the drafting of legislative texts in English
September 2007 First the English Legislative Language Committee and now The English Legislative Language Working Group have been working to improve the readability of legislation drafted in English. The work of these committees and groups is gathered in this text, Legistics.
Management Accountability Framework (MAF) Assessment - Departmental Response
Overview of Recent Activities and Departmental Achievements 2003
This Overview of Recent Activities and Departmental Achievements summarizes accomplishments of the Department of Justice between August 2002 and August 2003.
Performance Reports, Departmental
Current and past editions of annual report on the plans, priorities, and performance of departmental programs and resources; focuses on strategic outcomes – the long-term, enduring benefits to Canadians that stem from our mandate, mission, and efforts.
Proactive Disclosure of Expenses
Details of travel and hospitality expenses for selected government officials; contracts entered into by the Government of Canada for amounts over $10,000; and the reclassification of positions.
Reports on Plans and Priorities
Current and past editions of the annual report that provides details arranged by business line and contains information on objectives, initiatives and planned results, including links to resource requirements over a three-year period. The RPPs also provide details on human resource requirements, major capital projects, grants and contributions, and net program costs.
Strategic Plan 2001-2005
The Department's blueprint for responding to the many changes and pressures that are influencing the work we perform.
Sustainable Development Strategy 2001-2003 (PDF Version )
Past edition of the Justice Sustainable Development Report
Sustainable Development Strategy 2004 - 2006 (PDF Version )
Current edition of the Department of Justice Sustainable Development Report, detailing departmental progress in the ongoing integration of environmental considerations with economic and social decision making.
Sustainable Development: Change is in Order, Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-2009 (PDF Version )
December 1, 2006 The Department’s new strategy is designed to support current government priorities and direction, particularly the recently introduced green procurement policy and the proposed new approach to protecting our environment and building a stronger, more secure Canada.
Towards a Workplace Free of Conflict and Harassment
January 2001 Department of Justice policy stresses the need to both prevent conflict and harassment and resolve any situation involving conflict promptly in order to promote harmony in the workplace.