The CRA tests commercial tax preparation software packages and Web applications for use with the NETFILE service from December through March each year. The testing process takes between four to six weeks, and it is usually late January before a tax preparation software package is certified for use with the NETFILE service.
NETFILE has been designed to accept a specific file format ".tax", and the NETFILE-certified software or Web application will include instructions on how to save your tax return in that format.
Check this Web page on a regular basis during the tax-filing season. As our testing progresses, we will update the list of NETFILE-certified software packages and Web applications.
You should also be aware that unless you are using a Web application, you will have to download an update from your software developer. Information on how to upgrade your software is available from your software developer's Web site or from within the software itself.
Certified" tax preparation software or "certified" tax preparation Web application means that the developer of the tax package has gone through a process with the CRA to establish that their product is compatible with the CRA systems. This does not mean that we endorse or recommend any product over another, nor does the CRA look at spelling or grammatical errors within the tax preparation software packages or Web applications.
There is no software or Web application certified for use with the 2008 NETFILE Program (2007 tax return) at this time.
For your information here is the complete list of certified software for the 2007 NETFILE Program (2006 tax return). Please visit the software developer's Web site if you want to know if they plan to submit their software for certification this year.