Through this engaging and empowering short documentary, grade 4 to 7 students learn that their local conservation efforts can have far-reaching results. A film by David Springbett. (Water Detectives is also available for viewing on CitizenShift)
From November 8 to 18
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NFB films and events at the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal
Fear of being made fun of, fear of authority, fear of making a mistake or being late. Who hasn't experienced the emotions of the hero of Nightmare at School? A film by Catherine Arcand.
Since 1999 more than two thousand women have been murdered in Guatemala, with the numbers escalating every year. Yet, lawmakers and government officials continue to turn a blind eye. A film by Giselle Portenier
The NFB and the Sheffield International Documentary Festival are pleased to announce the three semi-finalists for the CROSS-MEDIA CHALLENGE.
We have 10 years. Tops. Climate change is already here. In another decade, the damage will be irreversible. Weather Report is a sneak peek into the future.
National Film Board of Canada Production
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