Metallic foams are relatively new materials that offer opportunities in a wide range of applications. They can be used to manufacture lightweight structures, filters, heat exchangers, sound absorbers, mechanical damping devices, electrodes, charge carriers, sensors, catalyst supports and biomedical implants to name a few. The interest in these materials has risen during the last few years and new materials as well as applications are created every year. The Public Science in Canada | Strengthening Science to Protect Canadians Symposium will provide a framework for discussion amongst scientists, policy-makers, decision-makers and public opinion leaders across a range of sectors. This Symposium will be a mechanism by which these leaders will discuss the state of public science in Canada and map a path towards the future that includes the best science and public policies to enhance the health, safety and security of Canadians. The Industrial Materials Institute of the National Research Council of Canada and the Quebec Materials Network are pleased to announce the second edition of the Symposium on Bioplastics and Natural Fibre Composites. This unique event will gather scientists from around the world and will focus on leading-edge R&D in bio-based plastics fabrication and characterization. Invited lectures as well as contributing oral and poster sessions are featured. The themes prioritized by the symposium's technical committee are:
NRC believes that creating globally competitive technology clusters is one of the best strategies for fostering a nation's economic growth. That's why we are delighted to invite you to Canada's first working conference on technology clustering in Toronto on September 24 - 25, 2007. Welcome to NRC Connections 2007: The Technology Cluster Advantage in Canada. Our intention is to bring key players from communities across Canada together for two days of dialogue, exchange, problem-solving and networking. We hope you will leave NRC Connections 2007 armed with information and tools that will help your cluster move to the next level.
Every year, NRC-IRC presents a national seminar to provide construction professionals with practical information. Each seminar focuses on a single topic and reports the results of recent NRC-IRC research. In 2007 the seminar will focus on fire safety in buildings. Over the last decade, there have been significant advances in fire engineering and the understanding of human behaviour, which can contribute to better and safer buildings. Building Science Insight 2007 will summarize some of these advances for the benefit of those engaged in the design and construction of new and existing buildings, the management and operation of facilities, and the application of building and fire codes. This is a special event being organized by Dr. L. A. Utracki of NRC's Industrial Materials Institute and Prof. Alex Jamieson of Case Western Reserve University to honour Prof. Robert Simha on the occasion of his ninety-fifth birthday. Prof. Simha received his Ph.D. in Physics and Physical Chemistry from the University of Vienna in 1935, for his research on hydrodynamics and viscosity of suspensions and solutions in Herman Mark's laboratory, and he continued in this field of research for the next forty years. This event, organized by NRC's Industrial Materials Institute in partnership with McGill University, the Quebec Materials Network, and the Centre de recherche en plasturgie et composites (CREPEC), is the fourth in an ongoing biennial series on the subject of polymer nanocomposites technology. |