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Searching the Website
Our website contains a site search tool which makes it possible to find documents which contain the keyword(s) you specify. You can choose our standard search, which searches every document on the site, or, if you have a Java-enabled browser, you may choose to use our advanced search tool which searches specific collections of information such as the Laws of Canada. You can also view the Department's site map which provides a consolodated listing of all DOJ sites and sub-sites.


Owing to the volume of correspondence we receive in general, we are unable to undertake any research requests on behalf of users. For example, we often receive requests from users who want to know which statutes or regulations posted on our website apply to their particular circumstances, be they private or commercial in nature. As a general rule, we cannot provide support in this respect. However, our website does include search utilities that are quite helpful in locating information. If users encounter difficulty in finding specific legislation, they should consult the Justice and the Law page.

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