Natural resources offer considerable opportunities for Aboriginal communities across Canada. Resources-based projects and activities support the creation and preservation of jobs, promote relevant education and skills development, improve economic and business prospects, enhance community leadership, and encourage the wise stewardship of the natural environment — all with an eye to a better future.
Natural Resources Canada's (NRCan) programs and services provide useful tools that include information and training, technical and scientific expertise, and skills and capacity development. These tools can help Aboriginal people manage their own lands and resources, and participate more fully in Canada's natural resources-based economy.
This Web page is your connection to these useful tools available from NRCan.
The Canada Centre for Cadastral Management’s main objective is to provide local communities with the land survey component of the property rights infrastructure to support sustainable economic development.
The following programs promote the creation of energy-efficient buildings and better land-administration systems:
The following programs and initiatives enhance the capacity of First Nations to sustainably manage their resources, increase cooperation and partnerships, and ensure the transfer of knowledge to younger generations: