Jacqueline Couture | 613-952-9184 |
Béatrice Fénelon | 613-941-6269 |
New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island Heather Cameron |
506-636-5485 |
Newfoundland and
Labrador and Nova Scotia Roy Jamieson |
902-426-9889 |
Serge Paradis | 514-283-2464 ext. 8225 |
Julie Pronovost | 514-283-2464 ext. 8288 |
Regional Office (Mississauga) Barbara Gal |
905-615-2117 |
Hamilton/St. Catharines Barbara Gal |
905-615-2117 |
Ottawa/Peterborough/Kingston/Belleville Sam Papadopoulos |
416-973-4163 416-275-4823 |
Sudbury/Thunder Bay Kim Hynes |
705-671-0594 |
Toronto East/Toronto Centre Sam Papadopoulos |
416-973-4163 416-275-4823 |
Toronto North/Toronto West/Barrie Peter Delis |
416-512-4135 |
Windsor/London/Kitchener/Waterloo Pat Kisil |
519-973-7102 |
Calgary Joanne Gorsalitz |
403-691-6850 |
Edmonton Ron D. Quinn |
780-495-4771 |
Manitoba Emilia Kotris |
204-983-2336 |
Regina Debbie Johnson |
306-780-3469 |
Saskatoon Jerry Shoemaker |
306-975-4603 |
Burnaby-Fraser Surrey Maria Bender |
604-587-2142 |
Vancouver Island Southern Interior Northern BC and Yukon Dave Morgan |
604-587-2533 |
Vancouver Bradley Alvarez |
604-691-4043 |