External (User) Charging Revenues
It is the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's policy to recover costs for goods and services that provide identifiable recipients with direct benefits beyond those received by the general public unless overriding public policy or program objectives would be compromised. As well, the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act allows the Agency to spend revenues received through the conduct of its operations in the fiscal year in which the revenues are received including fees for the provision of a service, or the use of a facility or for a product, right or prilege.
Exhibit 1 provides a summary of CCRA's external charging initiatives for 2002-2003 as well as brief descriptions of the program, the type of fee, the authority to charge the fee, and the consultation, analysis and client redress mechanisms that are currently in place for each initiative. The summary table displays only those initiatives that pertain to the reporting requirements of TBS External Charging Policy (i.e. initiatives less than $100K and inter-governmental arrangements such as the Provincial Tax Credit programs are not included in this table.)
Please direct any inquiries on the information provided on external charging in CCRA to David Hum, Director Strategic Analysis and Cost Management Division at (613) 941-6704.
Exhibit 1: External (User) Charging Revenues
External User Fee/Initiative Name
Estimate of Full Program Cost Regardless of Charging Rates
Cost Recovery/User Fee Revenues
Sales of Goods and Services
a. Rights and Privileges
Brokers' License and Examination Fees
a.2 Customs Warehouse Fees
Customs Sufferance Warehouse Licence Fees
Bonded Warehouse Licence Fees
b. Services of a Regulatory Nature
b.2 Other Services of a Regulatory Nature
Advance Pricing Agreement
Storage Charges Queen's Frontier
b.3 Border Canada/US Programs
c. Other Goods and Services (Services of a Non-Regulatory Nature)
c.1 Administration of Provincial Programs
Provincial Refund Set-Off - Gross forecast
British Columbia Forest Renewal
BC Personal Income Tax Rate Change
Nova Scotia Workers Compensation
Ontario Property Tax Credit
Alberta Energy Tax Credit
BC Mining Exploration Tax Credit
Provincial Corporate Efile
Provincial Sales Tax Collection
Provincial Tax Credit Programs
Customs Special Service provided off-site
Customs Special Service provided outside of core hours
c.3 Other Services of a Non-Regulatory Nature
International Technical Assistance
Consolidated Verification Project
NOTE: Provincial Tax Credit Charges, including BC Film & TV Tax Credit and BC Science Research and Development Tax Credit, and Provincial Tobacco and Alcohol Mark-up/Levies pursuant to the Tax Collection Agreement in the amount of $10.7M and $.572M respectively, was based on a formula-derived agreement negotiated by Finance Canada and is therefore not to be included in this exercise. Those provincial cost recovery programs that are not covered by Tax Collection Agreements are included above.