Remuneration Guidelines for Part-time Governor in Council Appointees
in Agencies, Boards and Commissions
Effective October 1, 2000
1 Introduction
These guidelines set out the amounts and conditions of payment for the
part-time services of persons appointed to office by the Governor in Council
(GiC). They are not an authority in themselves. They set out what can be
recommended routinely and without substantiation for the approval of the GiC.
Each organization must obtain its own Order in Council for authority to pay.
2 Authority
Generally, the statute that creates the organization specifies the authority
to fix remuneration for GiC appointees.
3 Application
These guidelines apply to all persons appointed to part-time positions in
agencies, boards and commissions for which the GiC has the authority to fix the
rate of remuneration.
They do not apply to full-time employees or appointees of a Canadian
government organization because they are not eligible to receive additional
remuneration for a part-time GiC appointment.
4 Principles
The Canadian government’s compensation policy recognizes the need to
attract and retain well-qualified appointees.
Service to the public and not adherence to market rates influences the
remuneration of the highest executive levels. This principle also influences
remuneration for part-time service. Exceptions are public practitioners such as
lawyers, conciliators, arbitrators, etc. whose appointment requires them to
provide these professional services.
5 Definitions
Executive Organizations are those whose primary mission is to
make final and binding decisions and/or to produce goods or services.
Advisory Organizations are those which engage in investigative,
evaluative or research activity to provide opinions or recommendations.
6 Amounts and Conditions of Payment
The schedule of per diem rates that follows specifies the maximum rates that
may be submitted for GiC approval on a routine basis.
Submissions requesting rates that exceed those of the schedule must include
justification for exceptional consideration by the GiC.
When a statute by which an organization is created limits payment to a
particular circumstance, such as for attending meetings, no per diem payment may
be made for any other reason.
Only one per diem payment shall be made in respect of a twenty-four hour
calendar day.
A per diem rate is normally payable for the following:
- attendance at meetings of the full organization and of recognized
committees or sub-committees of the organization (including appointees’
participation by electronic means);
- four meetings conducted among a quorum of the organization or its
committees or sub-committees by telephone or other similar facility;
- traveling time, if the time required to travel between the meeting
place and the normal place of residence exceeds three hours; and
- special executive, analytical or representational responsibilities
explicitly designated by the governing members of the organization.
In organizations where the statute establishes a position of vice-chair, or
equivalent, the per diem may be set at a rate higher than that for members
in acknowledgement of additional responsibilities.
7 Category Allocation
The allocation of an organization to a category depends on:
(a) the complexity and diversity of its sphere of activity;
(b) the scope of its activity, ranging from the individual person or
single, local facility, to the entire citizenry or whole industries of
national significance;
(c) the impact of its activity, ranging from ancillary attributes and
peripheral concerns to basic rights, fundamental characteristics or
essential well-being.
8 Travel Expenses
Subject to any statutory provisions to the contrary, the Treasury Board
Travel Directive, as it applies to the Executive Group of the Public Service,
shall govern the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by part-time GiC
Schedule - Per Diem Rates
Category |
Executive |
Advisory |
Member |
Chair |
Member |
Chair |
I |
$475 - $550 |
$675 - $800 |
$375 - $450 |
$550 - $650 |
II |
$350 - $400 |
$475 - $550 |
$275 - $325 |
$375 - $450 |
$250 - $300 |
$350 - $425 |
$200 - $250 |
$300 - $350 |
IV |
$200 - $250 |
$300 - $350 |
- |
- |
Note: See Annexes A and B for the allocation of organizations to
Executive Agencies, Boards and Commissions
Category I
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Energy Supplies Allocation Board
Indian Specific Claims Commission
Oil and Gas Committee
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Category II
Arbitration Board (Inuvialuit)
Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
Environmental Impact Review Board
National Farm Products Council
Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund
Category III
Cree Naskapi Commission
Merchant Seamen Compensation Board
Category IV
Nunavut Wildlife Management Board
Oshawa Harbour Commission
Renewable Resources Board (Sahtu)
Renewable Resources Board (Gwich’in)
Advisory Agencies, Boards and Commissions
Category I
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Law Commission of Canada
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Security Intelligence Review Committee
Category II
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Board
Canadian Polar Commission
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
Category III
Canada-Norway Sealing Commission
Environmental Impact Screening Committee
Historic Sites and Monuments Board
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
National Advisory Council on Aging
National Council of Welfare
North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Commission