Submit a report

This form is to be used by federal departments and agencies for submitting public opinion research reports to Library and Archives Canada, the Library of Parliament, and the Public Opinion Research Directorate of PWGSC, as required by the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.

Please review the Instructions for Submitting a Report before completing this form.

Step 1: Specify What Is Being Submitted

POR Registration Number

What are you submitting? (Select One)

Step 2: Attach Files

Choose Method A or Method B

Method A:
Send up to 5 separate files including summaries

Attach English Executive Summary

Attach French Executive Summary

Attach First Report File

Attach Second Report File, if applicable

Attach Third Report File, if applicable

Method B:
Single Zip file of all files being submitted

Attach Zip File

Step 3: Provide Information About the Report

Name of Federal Department/Agency

Name of Contractor/Consulting Company

Title on the Report

Date of the Report (Month and Year)

Step 4: Provide Contact Information

Name of Person Submitting These Report Files

Telephone Number

Email Address (for questions about processing these files)

Email Address (where the electronic receipt is to be sent)

Note: An email acknowledging the receipt of this public opinion research report by Library and Archives Canada will be sent to this address and should be retained by your department/agency for audit purposes.

Step 5: Comments / Other Information

Comments / Other Information

Step 6: Submit Report