Library and Archives Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Current Exhibitions

In Your Face: The People's Portrait Project

October 29th 2007 - March 2nd, 2008

Daily between 9am and 9pm in Exhibition Room B, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa

Free Admission

Portrait from In Your Face:  The People's Portrait Project Portrait from In Your Face:  The People's Portrait Project Portrait from In Your Face:  The People's Portrait Project Portrait from In Your Face:  The People's Portrait Project

Portrait Gallery of Canada presents In Your Face: The People's Portrait Project, organized by the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).

This project was initially conceived as an invitation to the people of Ontario to submit a 4" x 6" original portrait to the AGO. To the AGO's surprise and delight, the project immediately attracted interest from across Canada and around the world. Over 17,000 portraits arrived from as far away as Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. In Your Face fostered a wide variety of individuals and groups to create together. The result is an exhibition with dynamic juxtapositions of portraits by amateurs and professionals, children and adults. Many personal stories accompanied the submissions, including a letter from British Columbia that concluded by stating: "Art is for everyone. Art is in everyone."