CBC Radio Podcasts
  1. What is the difference between downloading a podcast and subscribing to a podcast?
  2. What is iTunes™ ?
  3. I do not want to subscribe.
    Where do I find individual podcasts to download?

  4. How do I download one podcast at a time?
  5. I've downloaded an MP3, but I can't hear anything. Why?
  6. Why isn't my favorite show available?
  7. How come the podcast versions of shows sound different than they do on the radio?
  8. I've got some comments about the podcasts.
    Who do I send them to?

  9. My new iPod crashes every time I download a CBC podcast - and my old mp3 player had no problems.
  10. What is Feedburner™ ?
  11. I use Juice™ and recently started having trouble with your podcasts - what is going on?

  1. What is the difference between downloading a podcast and subscribing to a podcast?

    When you download a single podcast episode, that one file gets saved onto your computer or MP3 player. It is then up to you to play it, delete it or download another.

    When you subscribe to a podcast, the latest podcast episode is saved to your computer or MP3 player. Every time a new podcast episode of the program becomes available your podcasting software will automatically download it to your computer or MP3 player.

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  2. What is iTunes™ ?

    iTunes™ is a program created by Apple that, among other things, is a podcatcher or aggregator.

    An aggregator or podcatcher is a program that will check for new podcasts every time you are connected to the web and that program is open. Many people use iTunes™ to subscribe to and manage their podcasts, but there are many other podcatchers out there.

    Here are just a few of the many other choices in free podcatching software available:

    Soundforge's Juice ---> Download Juice

    Feedburner icon Feedburner

    Doppler icon Doppler ---> Download Doppler

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  3. I do not want to subscribe.
    Where do I find individual podcasts to download?
  4. Head to the tab above that says 'Past Podcasts' - and you will find a complete list of every episode of every podcast that is currently archived (usually 4 weeks of episodes).

    Just click the small plus sign [ ] beside the Podcast you are interested in and pick the episode you want to download.

    In addition, every Radio program that offers a podcast has its own program web page where all of the available podcast episodes for that program are listed.

    As it Happens (The Best of )
    Alberta This Week
    B.C. This Week
    C'est la vie's Word of the Week
    The Current (The Best of )
    DNTO (The Best of )
    Ideas (The Best of)
    Manitoba This Week
    The Maritimes This Week
    Newfoundland and Labrador This Week
    The North This Week
    Ontario This Week
    Outfront (The Best of )
    Quebec This Week
    Quirks and Quarks
    Saskatchewan This Week
    Sounds Like Canada (Digital)
    Toronto This Week

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  5. How do I download one podcast at a time?

    For PC users:

    1. Before you start downloading, you may want to create a folder on your desktop where you can save and store all your CBC podcasts.

    2. When you are ready to start downloading, right-click on the link for the podcast file. After right-clicking you will see a menu of options, including one that says, "Save target as" or "Save link as." If you select one of these "save" options, and then pick a location on your computer's hard drive where you would like to store the file your computer should start to download the podcast.

    For Mac users:

    1. Before you start downloading, you may want to create a folder on your desktop where you can save and store all your CBC podcasts.

    2. When you are ready to start downloading hold down the Control (ctrl) key while using your mouse to click on the download link. When the option menu appears, choose "Download link to disk" or "Download linked file." If you select one of the "download options, and then pick a location on your computer's hard drive where you would like to store the file, your computer should start to download the podcast.

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  6. I've downloaded an MP3, but I can't hear anything. Why?

    If you are having difficulty hearing a podcast please check the following:

    • Does your computer have a soundcard?
      If you have ever listened to music or heard sounds coming out of your speakers, then you have a soundcard.

    • Are your speakers properly connected and on?

    • Do you have a media player?
      You can download a free media player such as external site - links will open in a new windowWindows Media Player, or external site - links will open in a new windowiTunes or external site - links will open in a new windowRealPlayer.

    • Is the volume control set properly on your computer and speakers?

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  7. Why isn't my favorite show available?

    We would love to be able to put every CBC Radio show online, but rights issues and delivery costs make that prohibitive. We have to be selective about which shows we make available. We hope to offer more of our great radio programming in podcast form in the coming months. If you want to know the latest goings-on in CBC Podcasting, subscribe to our newsletter, and we'll make sure to let you know what our latest offerings are!

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  8. How come the podcast versions of shows sound different than they do on the radio?

    This is a different medium! So we're trying something new while still working hard to retain the incredible content of our CBC Radio programming.

    Rights issues prevent us from including commercially available music in our podcasts; however, we are able to offer songs by unsigned artists and music that we have cleared for podcasting use, so you will hear some music in our podcasts.

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  9. I've got some comments about the podcasts.
    Who do I send them to?

    If you want to comment about something you heard on a specific podcast/show, go to that show's program web page and use the Contact Us link there to send them your comments directly. If you have feedback or questions about this podcasting trial, please contact us.

  10. My new iPod crashes every time I download a CBC podcast - and my old mp3 player had no problems.

    According to Apple, the latest generation of iPods, has issues (like crashing their iPods, or just not playing CBC Podcasts) with our encoding rate (which is at 44.1KHz - broadcast quality).

    This is a link to the Apple website Support page that describes the problem and their solution:
    And this is their recommended solution:

    " Customers who experience this symptom can in most cases avoid the it by turning off the equalizer on the iPod by navigating from the Main menu to Settings > EQ > Off."

  11. What is Feedburner?
  12. According to their website, "FeedBurner makes it easy to receive content updates in popular podcatchers." In a nutshell, the Feedburner site allows you to grab your podcast in whatever podcatcher you like - from Yahoo, to Google, to NetVibes to Fireant and many more.

    Currently we are trying Editor's Choice, and Search Engine out on it, but if there is good feedback from our listeners, we will add the rest of our podcasts as well!

  13. I use Juice™ and recently started having trouble with your podcasts - what is going on?
  14. We recently made some behind-the-scene changes to our CBC Radio podcasts that seem to have affected at least one podcatcher - the Juice Aggregator. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks to a suggestion from one of our podcast listeners - a Mr. Mike Kennedy - we have a work-around that seems to solve this issue. We've heard from non-Juice users as well and we are hoping that this solution works for them, too.

    If anyone out there needs more help with this, please feel free to e-mail us back!

    NOTE: Making this change will affect all of your other podcasts in that they will also begin downloading to this new folder, rather than the default folder they were going to before; however, it should in no way affect your ability to listen and enjoy.

    Here's what you do:
    For PC users:

    1. Access your 'C:\' drive via 'My Computer'.
    2. Create a new folder. You can call it what you like, but our suggestion would be to call it 'Podcasts'.
    3. Open Juice.
    4. Select 'Preferences…' under your 'File' menu.
    5. Towards the bottom of the window, you should see a field labeled 'Download podcasts into this folder'. Remove the current information in the field and type in 'C:\Podcasts' or 'C:\name' (whatever name you gave to the new folder).
    6. Press Save.

    For Mac users:

    1. Create a new folder on your desktop. You can call it what you like, but our suggestion would be to call it 'Podcasts'.
    2. Open up Juice.
    3. Select 'Preferences…' under your 'File' menu.
    4. Towards the bottom of the window, you should see a field labeled 'Download podcasts into this folder'. Remove the current information in the field and type in 'Users/Username/Desktop/Podcasts' or 'Users/Username/Desktop/name' (whatever name you gave to the new folder).
    5. Press Save.

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