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PSC Appointment Framework Knowledge Test

Of Interest


The new Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) and the Public Service Commission's (PSC) new Appointment Framework place more emphasis on the PSC's oversight role and on accountability to Parliament. As well, the PSC will be maximizing the appointment authorities delegated to, and strengthening the accountability of, deputy heads. This will include the introduction of a new condition of delegation whereby deputy heads will need to ensure that their sub-delegated officials will have access to human resources (HR) specialists whose expertise in the Appointment Framework has been validated by the PSC.

The new PSC Appointment Framework Knowledge Test (AFKT) will be used to validate this expertise. The test has been developed for HR specialists who provide staffing advice to front-line managers.

Test Development and Pilot

The AFKT was developed by PSC subject matter experts under the guidance of the Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC).

To help select the most appropriate test questions and to ensure a valid and equitable product, the PSC conducted pilot tests in the National Capital Region, Montreal and Vancouver in June and July 2005. The representative sample of 143 human resources specialists (71 of which were Anglophone and 72, Francophone) who participated in the pilots provided positive feedback about the test. After analysis of the pilot results, a suitable number of questions were identified for the final version of the test.

About the Test

The test assesses a test taker's knowledge of all components of the Appointment Framework (policy, delegation and accountability) and the legislative framework. The test consists of 54 multiple-choice questions. Reference material is not permitted. The passmark is 30/54. Once a person has successfully passed the AFKT, the knowledge is deemed to be possessed, regardless of the overall score obtained. The re-test period for the AFKT is 90 days. The validity period of the test results will be indefinite, unless major changes are made to the PSEA or the PSC Appointment Framework.

Readers interested in obtaining more information about the test may visit the Personnel Psychology Centre's Web site.

Intended Audience

The primary purpose of the AFKT is to validate the expertise of HR specialists in the PSC's new Appointment Framework in order for deputy heads to meet a condition of delegation. The test is not intended to be used as a means to assess merit criteria in relation to appointment processes.

Departments are responsible for determining and prioritizing who should take the test. To assist departments in making these decisions, the PSC has developed the following criteria:

1. Experienced HR specialists who have had the opportunity to become familiar with the new PSEA (through self learning or attending various fora such as the 2004 Focus on Staffing events, the 2005 PSC Get Ready "Series 1" sessions, Canada School of Public Service courses, etc.), particularly those who:

  1. provide staffing advice to front-line managers;
  2. occupy corporate positions at either the national or regional level; or
  3. supervise/coach a team of HR specialists who provide advice to front-line managers.

2. Key HR specialists who are necessary to support department management structure, regional locations, and sub-delegation pattern.

3. Key HR specialists who may be required to administer the AFKT to other HR specialists in later phases of testing.

Test Administration

At this time, the PSC will be responsible for administering the AFKT. In collaboration with its regional offices and the Personnel Psychology Centre (PPC), the PSC will conduct testing sessions in various locations across Canada. Departments should communicate with the PSC regional offices to register the persons who are to take the test.

Please consult:

Communication of Results

The PPC is responsible for marking the test. The PPC will provide departments with the results (pass or fail) of their employees who have taken the test, as well as a sealed envelope to be distributed to each employee. The envelopes will contain overall scores and sub-scores on each of the four content areas. This information may be of value to employees wishing to improve their knowledge of the Appointment Framework. Employees may share this information with their managers should they wish to do so for developmental purposes.

Transitional Measures Relating to the End of the PSC's Staffing Certification Program

As described in the Letter to Heads of Human Resources 05-23, should departments feel that it is still worthwhile to recommend employees to the PSC for certification, they will be able to do so until the coming into force of the new PSEA, provided their employees have passed the Staffing Knowledge Exam (SKE) by October 31, 2005. After this date, the SKE will no longer be available. Departments are to continue to provide proof of completion of all other mandatory elements, as required by the Attestation of Readiness for Staffing Certification.

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