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Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada
What's New

The Public Service Commission and the Canada Public Service Agency (CPSA) are organizing Fall workshops on HR modernization to broaden the understanding of the Public Service Modernization Act among the management and HR community to lead to deeper integration. A feature of these workshops will be PSC presentations on selected subjects. For more information and registration, please visit the CPSA website.

Delegation: Overview


In the spirit of the preamble to the Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), the Public Service Commission (PSC) has maximized the delegation of appointment and appointment-related authorities to deputy heads of federal government departments and agencies. Deputy heads are encouraged to sub-delegate these authorities within their organization.

The PSC also oversees the political impartiality of the public service. It reviews the requests of public servants who require PSC permission to be candidates in federal, provincial, territorial and municipal elections.

Special Statutory Authorities

Under the PSEA, certain processes continue to be the responsibility of the PSC. These processes are:

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