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Canada Revenue Agency
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Small and Rural Charities Initiative

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is launching a series of consultations with small and rural charities in October 2007. As the federal charities regulator, the CRA wants to better understand the unique service needs and compliance challenges of small and rural charitable organizations.

The consultations have been planned for Toronto (October 3), Saskatoon (October 11), Lethbridge (October 13), Kelowna (October 15), Trois-Rivières (October 19), and Moncton (October 24). Ten to twenty representatives from small and rural charities have been invited to participate in each workshop.

Small and rural charities will be consulted on the following topics during the workshops:

  • Education – Is the information provided by the CRA in publications, on its Web site, and at roadshows comprehensive and understandable?

  • Reporting – Discussing Form T3010A, Registered Charity Information Return, other forms, and obligations to provide information.

  • Compliance and enforcement – The CRA compliance approach including education letters, compliance agreements, audits, the application of sanctions, revocation of charitable status, and barriers to compliance.

  • Tools – Frequently asked questions (FAQs) or report cards that could assist charities, the sector’s readiness for electronic forms, etc.

  • Service delivery – The Charities Directorate’s telephone and correspondence services and service standards.

  • Rules – Identify which rules—whether based in legislation, regulation, or policy—are too complex, misunderstood, or pose compliance challenges.

  • Registration – Form T2050, Application to Register a Charity Under the Income Tax Act, standard objects (objects pre-approved as being charitable), etc.

A panel with six to nine members from small and rural charities, chaired by the CRA, will then meet two to three times in November and December 2007 to develop recommendations for the Minister of National Revenue. The panel is expected to deliver its recommendations by the end of December 2007.

The Summary Report of the Small and Rural Charities Panel will be made available to the public in 2008.

This consultation process is tailored to provide recommendations aimed at improving and enhancing services and reducing the administrative burden for small and rural charities. The CRA aims to make a few key changes to assist small and rural charities without affecting the ongoing administration of the charities program as a whole.

The CRA regularly consults with the charitable sector, as well as with other federal, provincial, and territorial partners, to find new ways to enhance its services and administrative processes.