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Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Political Activities Investigations

Under the new Public Service Employment Act (PSEA), which came into force on December 31, 2005, the Public Service Commission (PSC) has an enhanced role in overseeing the political impartiality of the federal public service. The PSC can investigate allegations of improper political activities by employees and deputy heads.

About the Investigations Branch

The PSC’s Investigations Branch will receive allegations of improper political activities by public servants, determine if an investigation will be initiated and conduct the investigation.

The Investigations Branch staff has expertise in the public service system and knowledge of public service organizations. Investigations are conducted in a timely manner, using fair and thorough techniques to produce clear and concise reports.

Guide for Investigations

For further information on filing a complaint of improper political activity please consult the Guide for Investigations of Improper Political Activities

Complaint Form

To file a complaint of alleged improper political activity concerning an employee or a deputy head, please fill out the complaint form (PDF / HTML / Electronic form) and return it by mail or by fax to:

Director's Office
Jurisdiction and Case Management Directorate
Investigations Branch
Public Service Commission
300 Laurier Avenue West
L’Esplanade Laurier, West Tower
11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario.
K1A 0M7

Political Activites Regulations

The Public Service Commission, pursuant to section 22 of the Public Service Employment Act 2003 has made Regulations concerning political activities of public servants. These Regulations provide information on requesting permission to seek nomination as a candidate in elections and the time periods involved. These Regulations also provide information on the time frame for submitting allegations of improper political activities, the format of the allegation, the investigation and disclosure of information obtained in the conduct of an investigation.

Other Information About Political Activities

For other information about political activities (general information, guides, how to request leave to be a candidate) please consult the Political Activity section of the PSC website.

How to Contact Us

Director's Office
Jurisdiction and Case Management Directorate
Investigations Branch
Public Service Commission
300 Laurier Avenue West
L’Esplanade Laurier, West Tower
11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario.
K1A 0M7

Reference documents