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Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Your browser

Operating systems and browsers
Downloading browsers
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Sun Java (Sun JVM), Microsoft Java (Microsoft VM), or Apple's JVM
Do I have to accept the security message?

Operating systems and browsers

Only clients with browsers that use 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 encryption can use these CRA epass services. If your browser does not have 128-bit SSL 3.0 encryption, you can either download a browser that supports this encryption or upgrade the one you have.

We recommend using a fully supported browser to ensure there are no problems accessing our CRA epass services. Although other Web browsers may also function, the following have proven to work with these services:

  • Microsoft Windows with Internet Explorer version 6.0 and 7.0 on Windows XP;
  • Microsoft Windows with Netscape version 7.02 and 7.2;
  • Mozilla Firefox version 1.0.6; and
  • Mac operating system with Safari version 1.3 and 2.0. (Notice to Safari users).

If you still encounter problems with the supported browsers, you may need to enable your Java Virtual Machine (JVM)/JavaScript and/or Cookies settings. See Adjust your browser settings for more information.

Downloading browsers

If you don't have a browser that meets the security standard, you can either download a complete browser package or upgrade the one you have.

The Canada Revenue Agency is not responsible for any difficulties or problems in downloading and installing software. Technical support is provided by the software suppliers.


You should also check that your cookies are turned on in your browser settings. All browsers are configured a little differently, so you should check the Internet options of your browser for ways to enable the cookie function. One of the ways we ensure that you continue to be identified and that we send the correct information during your online session is by using cookies.

These services use cookies during secure sessions in order to manage client preferences such as language, and to ensure the integrity of the system. Client information, such as SIN, date of birth, line 150 amount, postal code or the CRA Security Code, cannot be viewed within the cookie. This means that someone reviewing your cookies would not be able to log in to these services as though they were you. Some cookies might remain on the client's browser in order to improve user experience (e.g. a language cookie is used to store the client's language preference). These persistent cookies will not store any identifying data. For more information, see epass Cookies.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

What is a JVM?
To help you use our services, epass Canada uses JVM technology that is active only while you are online. The epass Canada service requires that this utility software be installed and enabled on your computer to allow you to interact with our Web site.

A JVM is a small piece of software installed by you on your computer to allow your Internet browser to interact with our Web site. A JVM is not a stand-alone program; it is part of the Sun Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE).

Apple's JVM is Java technology that is pre-installed on Macintosh operating systems.

Why does epass Canada use a JVM?
The use of a JVM provides enhanced security measures that epass Canada uses to protect your privacy.

How does it work?
JVM is an application that runs Java programs in a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). A JVM, which works with multiple browsers, provides the interface between Java programs and your web browser. epass Canada uses Java programs and therefore requires that a JRE is installed and JVM is enabled on your computer.

Where can I download the proper JRE?
Please visit SUN's Java.com download page, select the appropriate Java Runtime Environment for your operating system and follow the instructions provided. If you are attempting this download on a public or corporate computer, there may be restrictions in place that may prevent you from doing so. If you require technical assistance, your network administrator or the software supplier can assist you.

Sun Java (Sun JVM), Microsoft Java (Microsoft VM), or Apple's JVM

epass Canada uses a signed applet from Entrust Limited. This applet has been designed to enhance security. Depending on your virtual machine (Sun VM, Microsoft JVM, or Apple's JVM) you will encounter one of the following security messages.

Do I have to accept the security message?


When you encounter the security message shown below, please select "Always". Selecting "Always" means you will never encounter this message again. If you select "Yes" instead, you will be prompted to reply to this security message every time you enter this site. If you select "No", you will not be able to register for an epass or use these CRA epass services.

Security message dialog box

Microsoft VM

When you encounter the security message shown below, please select the “Always trust content from Entrust Limited” box and select "Yes”. Selecting the “Always trust content from Entrust Limited” box means you will never encounter this message again. If you just select "Yes" instead, you will be prompted to reply to this security message every time you enter this site. If you select "No", you will not be able to register for an epass or use these CRA epass services.

Security message dialog box

Apple JVM

When you encounter the security message shown below, please select "Yes". If you select "No", you will not be able to register for an epass or use these CRA epass services.

Security message dialog box

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