There are several ways you can get the 2006 General Income Tax and Benefit package. The package includes the guide, the return, related schedules, and the provincial or territorial schedules, information and forms (except Quebec).
You can view and print the General Income Tax and Benefit Return for 2006 online, or you can download the files onto your computer's hard drive. These files are also available in multiple formats that can be accessed by persons with a visual impairment. For information about these file formats and accessibility, see our page called Multiple formats.
You can also use our online order form to have a printed copy of the 2006 General income tax and benefit package, and any other forms and publications, mailed to you.
Starting February 6, 2007, you can get a printed copy of the 2006 General income tax and benefit package mailed to you by calling 1-800-959-2221.
You can get the General guide and forms book for your province or territory from any postal outlet or Service Canada office near you between February and early May.