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Canada Revenue Agency Government of Canada
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Management development and special assignments

CRA employees enjoy some exciting development options, including management development programs and special assignments.

Management development programs

Four programs help the CRA groom the next generation of managers.

Programs for CRA employees:

  • Executive Development Program - This is a one - to four-year program to develop a prequalified pool of entry-level executives. Most assignments are within the CRA, but some may be in other departments or agencies.
  • Middle Management Development Program - This three-year program prepares employees to become middle managers. Individual development plans lead to assignments to broaden experience at Headquarters and in the field.

Programs for all government employees:

  • Career Assignment Program - This is a one- to four-year program to develop a prequalified pool of entry-level executives. Assignments may be in other departments or agencies.
  • Management Trainee Program - This is a four-year program for current government employees with a Bachelor's degree, and for external recruits with a Master's degree. Successful participants can be deployed into or compete for middle-management positions.

Special assignments

Two special programs support the CRA's commitment to increasing employees' understanding of:

  • the Canadian and foreign economies
  • other levels of government
  • research institutions
  • the private sector
  • governments in other countries.

The two special initiatives are:

  • the International Assignments Program, which involves developmental opportunities in other countries
  • the Interchange Program, which promotes the exchange of CRA employees with personnel in other sectors of the Canadian economy.

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