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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Technology Clusters
What Are Technology Clusters?
Clusters Across Canada
Components of Innovation
NRC’s Approach
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What Are Technology Clusters?

Clustering is a term, borrowed from science, that is now widely used to describe a significant concentration of enterprising firms who have grown around a nucleus of R&D facilities (i.e. NRC), suppliers and risk capital providers. Clusters provide an ideal environment for networking, industrial development, investment and commercialization to occur.

Why Clusters?

Fuelled by innovation, the cluster becomes a dynamic location where networking, investment and technology transfer happens. Small companies spin off from the original R&D laboratory. Startups find the technical and financial support they need to develop and market innovative products and processes. The success of one company attracts another, and another... eventually building a critical mass of skilled people, expertise, capital and entrepreneurial drive. This environment creates local jobs and fuels economic growth in a region, and enhances the productivity and competitiveness of a nation.

Date Modified: 2007-02-19
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