Organization | Designated Representative |
Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada | Julie Desroches 613-715-5281 |
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency | Lorraine Léger 506-851-2136 |
Office of the Auditor General of Canada | Lyn Sachs 613-952-0213 (4341) |
Canada Border Service Agency | Marie Claude Dussault 613-957-9483 |
Canada Industrial Relations Board | Rob Mutrie 613-947-5388 |
Canada Revenue Agency | Peter Cenne 613- 954-8163 |
Canada School of Public Service | Marc Leclaire 819-934-8198 |
Canadian Artists & Producers Professional Relations Tribunal | Diane Chartrand 613-947-4263 |
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency | Céline Jean 613-957-0502 |
Canadian Forces Grievances Board | Caroline Maynard 613-995-5552 |
Canadian Grain Commission | Diane Shapiro 204-983-7781 |
Canadian Heritage | Luc Bégin 819-994-0671 |
Canadian Human Rights Commission | Lucie Drouin 613-943-9521 |
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal | Gregory M. Smith 613-995-1707 |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research | Lynn Laframboise 613-954-1956 |
Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat | Mara Indri-Skinner 613-995-2344 |
Canadian International Development Agency | Lee Anne Barbeau 819-934-0819 |
Canadian International Trade Tribunal | Julia Ginley 613-993-4831 |
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission | Alain-Denis Bastien 819-994-5316 |
Canadian Space Agency | Céline Lajoie 450-926-4817 |
Canadian Transportation Agency | Arun Thangaraj 819- 997-6764 |
Elections Canada | Pierrette Lacroix 613-998-5262 |
Citizenship and Immigration Canada | Gina Rallis 613-941-7788 Manon Galipeau 613-941-7724 |
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP |
Renée Michaud |
Office of the Commissioner of Federal Judicial Affairs | Colin Gascon 613-947-9899 |
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages | Mario Seguin 613-943-0390 |
Competition Tribunal | Raynald Chartrand 613-957-7851 |
Copyright Board of Canada | Claude Majeau 613-952-8621 |
Correctional Service Canada | Diane Lacelle 613-995-7304 |
Courts Administration Service | Robert Fortin 613-943-3458 |
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions | Pierre Bordeleau 514-283-4565 |
Environment Canada | Carole E Lemay 819-934-7985 |
Financial Transactions & Reports Analysis Centre of Canada | Stephen Black 613-947-3699 |
Department of Finance Canada | Daniel Dubeau 613-943-5828 |
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada | Susan Seally 613-990-7852 |
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Margaret Fortin 613-990-0048 |
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada | Maggie Trudel-Maggiore 613- 944-1932 |
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission | Chantal Lacelle 613-941-2945 |
Health Canada (and Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada) |
Sylvia Santos 613-952-3334 |
Human Resources and Social Development Canada | Nathalie Marcoux 819-953-2540 |
Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada | Mary Ellen McGuire Daniel St-Amour |
(INAC) Indian Oil & Gas Canada | Judy Courchene 403-292-5603 |
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada | Tony Keeshig 819-994-2345 |
Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada | Jacques Lemieux 613-944-6764 |
Industry Canada | David Smith 613-954-3647 |
Infrastructure Canada | Renée Michaud 613-948-2977 |
International Joint Commission | Nick Heisler 613-992-8367 |
Department of Justice Canada | Deborah Macnair 613-952-1578 |
Library and Archives Canada | Martine Gravelle 819-934-4624 |
Military Police Complaints Commission of Canada | Stan Blythe 613-947-5704 |
NAFTA Secretariat - Canadian Section | Daniel Plourde 613-992-9383 |
National Defence | Susan Harrison 613-945-1273 |
National Energy Board | Denis Roy 403-299-2703 |
National Farm Products Council | Claude Janelle 613-995-0682 |
National Film Board of Canada | Dominique Aubry 514-283-9163 |
National Parole Board | Richard Lachapelle 613-954-1123 |
Natural Resources Canada | Gregory Gauthier 613-996-6727 |
Office of the Correctional Investigator Canada | Ivan Zinger 613-990-2690 |
Information Commissioner of Canada | Ruth McEwan 613-995-2864 |
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions | Marc Fortin 613-954-0819 |
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | Maureen Munhall 613-947-4957 |
Office of the Secretary to the Governor General | Dorothy M. Grandmaitre 613-998-8763 |
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada | Susan Seally 613-990-7852 |
Canada Public Service Agency |
Raymond Crête 613-948-4713 |
Public Service Staffing Tribunal | Josée Dubois 613-949-5511 |
Parks Canada | Lianne Wright 613-997-9991 |
Passport Canada | René Gervais 819-934-3338 |
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board | Gerry Taylor 613-954-8369 |
Privy Council Office | Chantal Butler 613-952-4808 |
Privy Council Office: Intergovernmental Affairs | Alfred MacLeod 613-947-7031 |
Public Service Labour Relations Board | Joanne Collins 613-990-1824 Serge-Marc Brazeau 613-990-1827 |
Public Health Agency of Canada | Manon Henry 613-953-7045 |
Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada | Johanne Larocque 613-998-6434 |
Public Service Commission | Francine Séguin 613-995-0749 |
Public Works and Government Services Canada | Charles Vézina 819-956-9378 |
RCMP External Review Committee | Virginia Adamson |
Registrar of Lobbyists | Karen Shepherd 613-948-1788 |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Sylvie Barrette-Robert 613-993-8108 |
Service Canada | Marie-Pierre Jackson 819-953-3419 Michelle Ward 819-934-4589 |
Statistics Canada | Christine Coffey 613-951-9955 |
Status of Women Canada | Peggi Logan 613-995-9399 |
Supreme Court of Canada | Barbara Kincaid 613-996-7721 |
Transport Canada | Constance Brook 613-991-6986 |
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada | Carl Poulin 613-998-1276 |
Transportation Safety Board of Canada | Louise Henry 819-994-8010 |
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat | Daniel Dubeau 613-943-5828 |
Veterans Affairs Canada | Pierre Lapointe 902-566-8375 Ginette Sabourin 902-566-8374 |
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Canada | Pierre Lapointe 902-566-8375 Ginette Sabourin 902-566-8374 |
Western Economic Diversification Canada | Vivian Mattia 780-495-2992 |
Designated representatives should direct all political activities inquiries to