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Minerals and Metals  : A World to Discover

main minerals and metal""Minerals and Metals at Home""Start a mine""Our Hidden Treasures""Look Beneath the Surface""Mining Posters""Mining Facts""Mining and the Environment""Careers in the Mining Industry""Glossary""Cool Links""NRCat's Scratching Post



The following pages have been created as an educational tour of some of Canada's most important natural resources: minerals and metals.

They provide information on the main minerals and metals produced in Canada and how these natural resources are used in our daily activities.

Play Minerals and Metals at Home! You will discover how minerals and metals are contributing to the quality of your life.

Start a mine. Follow the mining cycle from claim staking through operations to closure of the site and its rehabilitation. Additional information on mineral exploration is also available.

Our Hidden Treasures reminds us of the contributions that the minerals and metals industry is making to Canada.

Look Beneath the Surface or click on Mining Posters to find some neat posters.

Pages on the environment contain information about the many measures taken by the industry to fulfil its reponsibilities for environmental protection.

The Careers in the Mining Industry presentation illustrates careers closely linked with the mining industry.

Unusual terms are linked to and defined in the Glossary page.

Finally, visit NRCat's Scratching Post to find games and more information on Canada's natural resources to help you with your homework.



Last Updated: 2007-03-27
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