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Supreme Court of Canada

Are you a Self-Represented Litigant Who Wants to Apply for Leave to Appeal?

Are you a Self-Represented Litigant Who Has Been Named as a Respondent on an Application for Leave to Appeal?

Glossary of Terms

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Representing Yourself

Glossary of Terms


A sworn statement in writing made under oath before a “commissioner of oaths”.

Affidavit of Service

(see also “service”)

An “affidavit” intended to certify that you have served a document.


A lawyer practising in the National Capital Region who is hired to provide procedural assistance on matters before the Supreme Court of Canada. You are not required to have an agent on an application for leave to appeal, only on an appeal.


A proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court's judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher court that the lower court's judgment was incorrect.


The person who brings an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada or who brings a "motion".


Includes legislative enactments, case law, articles and texts, treaties and excerpts from them.

Commissioner for Oaths

A person authorized under federal or provincial legislation or rules of practice, as the case may be, to conduct examinations or to swear affidavits.


(see “lawyer”)

Court appealed from

The court from which the appeal is brought directly to the Supreme Court of Canada. In most cases it is the court of appeal of a province or the Federal Court of Appeal.


When a judge delivers a formal opinion that disagrees with the other judges of the court.


To sign. When the back cover of an original document is signed (endorsed) by another party and a copy of the document is left with that party, this constitutes “service” on that party.


To send by courier or registered or regular mail, or to bring in person your documents to the Registry of the Supreme Court of Canada. Your material is considered to be filed on the date that it is received in the Registry, not on the date it is mailed by you.


Any proceeding before a judge or the Court in which evidence and argument are presented to determine some of the issues in a case.


A public official who hears and decides cases brought before a court of law.


Authority of a court to hear certain cases. 


A person authorized to practice law, conduct lawsuits or give legal advice.


A formal request to a judge, the Court or the Registrar to take some action, e.g. to extend time to serve and file an application for leave to appeal.


A person named in the style of cause in accordance with Rule 22 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada. But where referring to the court appealed from, it means a person who was a party in that court.


The “party” the application for leave to appeal or "motion" is being brought against.


Delivering or leaving a copy of a document filed with the Court with another party in accordance Rule 20 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada. When the document is so delivered, it is then said to have been served.

Stay (Section 65.1 of the Supreme Court Act)

A temporary stopping or suspension of a judgment by order of a court.

Supreme Court of Canada

The highest court in Canada which hears appeals of decisions made in lower courts and interprets the laws and constitution of the country.

Last updated: 2007-11-08
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