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Remedies and Legislative Framework

Modern War Crimes Program

World War II Program

Designated Regimes


Annual Reports

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Programs and Initiatives

Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program


The policy of the Canadian Government is unequivocal:  Canada is not and will not become a safe haven for persons involved in war crimes, crimes against humanity or other reprehensible acts regardless of when or where they occurred.

Since the mid-1980's Canada has undertaken significant measures, both within and outside of its borders to break the cycle of impunity enjoyed by persons who have committed atrocities. These measures include the enactment of new statutes and amendments to others to support and strengthen enforcement strategies.

Also included was the creation of specialized units in the three original departments involved in Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program: Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). On December 12, 2003,CIC's Modern War Crimes Program was moved from CIC to the newly formed Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The specialized units deliver, through a coordinated effort, Canada's Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program, more commonly known as the War Crimes Program. Each unit is allocated dedicated resources for program development and delivery on an annual basis.

Early in the history of the War Crimes Program, it was decided that an Annual Report should be issued on a yearly basis to chronicle the progress of the Program. The production and distribution of the Annual Report on the War Crimes Program is part of the Government of Canada's commitment to deny safe haven to war criminals or other individuals who have committed reprehensible acts in time of conflict. Over the years, the Report has included a great deal of general information regarding the Program, repeated from one Report to the next.

Starting in the fiscal year 2002-2003, the Interdepartmental Operations Group which manages the War Crimes Program decided to adopt a new approach for the Program's Annual Report. This new website intends to convey general information about the history of the Program and its partners, an overview of operations, and a general overview of the legislative framework. The two components of the Program, namely the World War II Program and the Modern War Crimes Program are described separately. The Annual Report will now focus on the yearly activities of the Program. The Annual Report is still distributed in paper format and posted on this website.

You can contact the War Crimes Program at the following email address:


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