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Canada Science and Technology Museum

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What's On

November 13, 2007 Full Steam Ahead!
November 17, 2007 Museum's Birthday Party
November 18, 2007 Show and Tell: Bring your own artifact
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December 7, 2007 Members Holiday Event
December 8 & 9, 2007 Talk to Santa
December 21, 2007 Winter Solstice
December 22, 2007 to January 6, 2008 Toying with Science
February 1 to September 1, 2008 Beyond the Trees
March 10 to 14, 2008 March Break Hands-On Science and Technology Camps
Registration begins
February 19, 2008
Summer Day Camps

New Exhibitions

Full Steam Ahead!

Opening November 13, 2007
Full Steam Ahead ship modelIs an exhibition that focuses on how the development of the steam engine profoundly influenced the size, shape and performance of ships, whether driven by paddle-wheels or propellers. This exhibit offers a glimpse, both in miniature and full size, of a technology that forever changed our sense of time and space. The Museum will highlight 13 steam powered ship models as well as a full size steam engine.

Special Events

Museum's Birthday Party

November 17, 2007
Come celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Museum. Have a piece of birthday cake, sign the giant birthday card and participate in the 40th Anniversary challenge.

Show and Tell: Bring your own artifact (Download PDF 190Kb)

November 18, 2007
Show and Tell: Bring your own artifact Are there hidden treasures in your attic? Do you have a special collection you would like to share with others? Now is your chance to display your prized item at the Museum and consult with our curatorial and conservation staff to find out about its historical and technological value. Some restrictions apply.

Talk to Santa

December 8 & 9, 2007
Want to talk to Santa before the big day? Santa will take a break from his hard work and talk to young visitors via amateur radio. Afterwards, explore the chemistry of baking when you play the Holiday Cookie Caper game and make a beautiful string of "lights" to take home.

Winter Solstice

December 21, 2007 - Activities: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Evening Star Party: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Celebrate the shortest day of the year with indoor and outdoor activities that the whole family will enjoy. Take a sleigh ride through the Museum grounds and enjoy a tour of the Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory. In the evening, try your hand at stargazing at a free Star Party! (weather permitting)

Toying with Science

December 22, 2007 to January 6, 2008
This holiday season, toys are taking over the Museum! Use tops and hula hoops to learn about the laws of physics. Explore the differences between early video games and their modern day counterparts and take part in life-sized board games and puzzle challenges.

Beyond the Trees

February 1 to September 1, 2008
Living, growing and constantly changing, Canadian forests play a vital economic role in the country they’ve helped to build. Starting February 1st, discover how science and technology have allowed us to manage and protect this magnificent natural heritage, and explore how this priceless treasure influences the way we live, think, and dream. Explore the complex ecosystems in the eight forest regions and follow the retreat of a glacier and the evolution of the forests that emerged in its path. Use the same tools scientists do to examine trees, learn how fire, storms, disease and insects are vital in forest regeneration, and discover the science and technology behind forest fire management and the transformation of wood.

March Break Hands-On Science and Technology Camps

March 10-14. 2008
Spaces are limited, so book early! Attention all space adventurers, budding scientists and engineers: come explore, discover and experiment with us in an action-filled week limited only by your imagination. Choose from March Break Camp I ( 6 to 8 years), or March Break Camp II ( 9 to 12 years). Registration begins December 3, 2007.

Summer Day Camps

Registration begins February 19, 2008.
Take some gizmos and gadgets, add a dash of innovation, mix in some discovery, and combine with a group of trained camp leaders, and you've got the ultimate in science camps! All of our popular summer camps include indoor and outdoor activities, and are geared to children ages 6 to 8 and 9 to 12.
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Comments: brochure@technomuses.ca