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Seniorsinfo.ca  is a joint initiative of a national project, the Collaborative Seniors Portal Network, lead by Veterans Affairs Canada and the Ontario Seniors Secretariat.

Seniors Canada On-line

Seniors Canada On-line
Canada's Trusted Information Source for Seniors, Caregivers, Families and Service Providers.



Major Life Changes

A to Z Index


Seniors Canada On-line is a fast and straightforward way for seniors, their families, caregivers and organizations that support them to access authoritative and trusted information provided by governments and well known non-government organizations.


New Horizons for Seniors

The New Horizons for Seniors Program is now accepting applications for two new types of funding. Capital Assistance Funding helps non-profit organizations that need to upgrade facilities or equipment used for existing seniors' programs and activities. Elder Abuse Awareness Funding helps non-profit organizations raise awareness of the abuse of older persons on a national or regional level.more»
Image New Horizons for Seniors

Manitoba TAXcess

TAXcess, Manitoba's online tax service, allows businesses to access their accounts 24 hours a day, seven days a week in a secure, online environment.more»
Image of the TAXcess

The Veterans Ombudsman

Announced on April 3, 2007, the Veterans Ombudsman is an impartial, arms-length and independent officer with the responsibility to assist Veterans to pursue their concerns and advance their issues.more»
Image of Veterans Ombudsman

Healthy Living can Prevent Disease

Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) and lung disease are the leading causes of preventable death and disability in Canada. You can dramatically reduce your risk of these Big Four chronic diseases (long-term or ongoing illnesses) by changing the way you live. more»
Image of the Active Living Poster

War Brides: Portraits of an Era

This exhibition presents recent works of art by Bev Tosh, a Canadian contemporary artist who interprets some of the personal stories of women who married Canadian military personnel during and after the Second World War. more»
Photo of a seniors


Last Modified: 2006-03-01 Return to Top Important Notices