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How to access NRC intranets remotely

Quick Start

To access the NRC Virtual Library (VL) remotely:

  1. Go to:
  2. At the Virtual Library login page, enter your CISTI account number and password.

To access NRC intranets remotely:

  1. Go to:
  2. At this this login page, enter the generic username and password which will allow you to access NRC intranets.
  3. Or, enter your CISTI account number and password. This will give you access to licensed resources in NRC's Virtual Library and NRC intranets.

Detailed Information

  1. CISTI URL Builder
  2. How Do I Access Web Sites that are Restricted to NRC Staff?
  3. Who should use the NRC proxy server?
  4. Getting a CISTI Account
  5. Getting the Generic Username and Password to Access NRC Intranets Remotely
  6. Proxify links
  7. Help
  8. Additional Information About Proxies

For more information about the proxy service contact:

1. CISTI URL Builder

For example:

2. How Do I Access Web Sites that are Restricted to NRC Staff?

To be recognized as NRC staff when not on the NRC network, users must use the NRC proxy server. The NRC proxy server makes your computer appear to have an NRC IP address regardless of your location. Basically, it forces your browser to go to the proxy server first, and from then on, your computer will appear to be an NRC computer with an NRC IP address.

The material on the NRC Virtual Library is for the use of NRC staff only. VL resources include online journals and databases that are restricted to those who have paid and registered for access (licensed the resource). These restricted Web sites ensure compliance by only allowing access to computers with registered NRC IP addresses. Registered users using a computer on an NRC network, which has an NRC IP address, can access these resources. However, those who use a computer that is not on an NRC network, and does not have a registered NRC IP address, will not be recognized as registered NRC users and will not be allowed access to the restricted resources.

3. Who should use the NRC proxy server?

The NRC proxy may be used by NRC staff only. See the Policy Governing the Use of NRC IT Resources and the Policy Governing the Access to Electronic Information and IT Resources by non-NRC Personnel This includes the staff in Ottawa and across Canada. It includes use from home, work, or on the road. You need to use the proxy server service if:

  • Your computer is on an NRC campus but is NOT directly connected to the NRC network.
  • Your computer is connected to an NRC network that does not have NRC IP addresses.
  • You use a third party Internet Service Provider (e.g. AOL Canada, Rogers, etc.) via DSL, cable, ISDN, or regular modem, and you want to access licensed CISTI resources (electronic journals, indexes, etc.) from outside NRC.
  • You have an EduNET account and are dialing into EduNET in Ottawa.

You do not need to use the proxy server service if:

  • Your computer is on campus and connected to the NRC network with NRC IP addresses.

4. Getting a CISTI Account - to access the NRC Virtual Library

You will need a CISTI account in order to use the proxy to access the VL. It is not permitted for you to give or loan your CISTI account / proxy information to other people, including family members.

To obtain a CISTI account and password, complete and submit the CISTI Registration Form or, if you are not on the network, contact your Information Specialist. Please allow 1 day to get your account, and another 2 days on top of that for the account to be copied to the proxy server.

I want to change my CISTI account password
(Please allow a couple of days for the change to take effect)

I have forgotten my CISTI account password.

5. Getting the Generic Username and Password to Access NRC Intranets Remotely

If you do not have a CISTI account, you will need a generic username and password in order to access NRC Intranets. It is not permitted for you to give or loan this information to other people, including NRC contractors and family members.

To obtain the generic account and password, please send an email to: . Please allow 1 day to get your account.

6. Proxify links

If you are not on the NRC network or you are not already using the proxy, the "Proxify CISTI" bookmarklet will change the links on a web page so that they are re-directed through the NRC proxy server. Like the URL builder, the "Proxify CISTI" bookmarklet adds the URL prefix required by the EZProxy server to all the links on a web page.

To set up the "Proxify CISTI" bookmarklet in the bookmarks bar of your browser, follow the instructions below. You need to do this only once. Installation is easy.

Example of when you would use this: If, for instance, you are searching Google Scholar or Science Direct from outside NRC, the links to the full-text of subscription-only journal articles will not work. The "Proxify CISTI" bookmarklet solves that problem by allowing NRC users to directly access the full-text content of these articles. In this case, in Google Scholar or Science Direct, you will simply need to click on the bookmarklet before clicking on the link to the article. You will then be taken to the proxy login page, where you will log in using your CISTI account.

If you have "fallen off" the proxy access, you will need to click on the "Proxify CISTI" bookmarklet and re-enter your username and password.

Important: The bookmarklet changes all the links on the page, not just those that point to resources available through the NRC Virtual Library.

To set up the bookmarklet

Mozilla Firefox

Go to Bookmarks -> Manage Bookmarks. In the new window that pops up, click the "New Bookmark... " button at the top left.

In the dialogue box that pops up, under "Name", choose a descriptive title, such as "Proxify CISTI". Under location, copy and paste the entire following string:

javascript:void((function(){h=''; n=navigator;d=document; a=n.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if(d.getElementById&&a.indexOf('opera')==-1){ if(n.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1&&a.indexOf('mac')!=-1){ o=d.createElement('div');o.innerHTML='%3Cscript%20type=%22text/javascript%22%20src=%22'+h+'%22%3E%3C\/script%3E'; d.body.appendChild(o) }else{ e=d.createElement('script'); e.setAttribute('src',h); d.body.appendChild(e)} }else{ alert('Sorry,%20unsupported%20browser.');}})())

Click OK. Close the "Manage Bookmarks" window.

Internet Explorer

Under the "Favorites" menu, choose "Add to Favorites... "

In the dialogue box that pops up, enter something descriptive such as "Proxify CISTI" in the "Name" field. Click OK.

Click the "Favorites" menu again. Right-click the item you just created, and choose "Properties".

In the dialogue box that pops up, enter the following string into the "URL" field:

javascript:void((function(){h=''; n=navigator;d=document; a=n.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if(d.getElementById&&a.indexOf('opera')==-1){ if(n.appVersion.indexOf('MSIE')!=-1&&a.indexOf('mac')!=-1){ o=d.createElement('div');o.innerHTML='%3Cscript%20type=%22text/javascript%22%20src=%22'+h+'%22%3E%3C\/script%3E'; d.body.appendChild(o) }else{ e=d.createElement('script'); e.setAttribute('src',h); d.body.appendChild(e)} }else{ alert('Sorry,%20unsupported%20browser.');}})())

7. Help

If your problem is not listed, or the suggested solutions do not work, please contact your Information Specialist.

General Issues

Sometimes when I'm logged on to the proxy, it stops working. Why?

You have "fallen off" the proxy. The last page you requested is not in our list of resources that we provide access to. In order to use the proxy again, return to the proxy login page at for the VL, or the general login page at: Or put the proxy prefix in front of the URL you are trying to access. Proxy prefix: This will also take you to the proxy login page.

How do I turn off the proxy server?

To discontinue using the proxy during your web session, remove the prefix from the URL in your browser or close your browser window.

My username and password weren't accepted by the proxy server

Possible Solutions:

  • For the VL, double check that you are entering the correct CISTI account username and password. You should be using your "fgh" or "dd" number as the username, and NOT an email or network username.
  • Is your CISTI account active? Is your password valid? You can test to see if your account and password are correct and active by changing your password. Put in your username and password, and click OK. If the system accepts these and brings up the Password Change page, then your account is active and your username and password are correct. DO NOT actually change your password; DO NOT enter any information in the boxes for old and new password, as it can take up to two days for the change to carry over from the CISTI system to the proxy server.
  • For clients trying to access other NRC intranets using login information other than a CISTI account, ensure that you are using the correct username and password.
  • If you're having problems, contact your Information Specialist.

My bookmarks aren't working. Why?

The EZproxy system requires all electronic resources (e-resources) to first pass through the EZproxy server. This means that users will have to update personal bookmarks to new URLs. Essentially this means adding the prefix "" before the URL or use the CISTI URL builder.

What is my IP address?

To obtain your IP address, go to: This information will be helpful if you need to contact your Information Specialist for further assistance.

Issues Specific to VL users

How can I link to an article from an email alert?

Email alerts (e.g. journal Table of Contents email alerts) provided by some publishers and vendors contain web links to licensed full text content that are not properly suffixed for our proxy. For this reason, email alert services will no longer work remotely as clickable links, though they will continue to work properly if used from NRC networks with NRC IP addresses. Users can amend the URL by adding the prefix "" before the URL or use the CISTI URL builder.

I can't access a licensed resource

If you cannot access a licensed resource, CISTI may not have licensed this resource, or there may be a problem with it. Contact your Information Specialist for assistance using this resource.

I received the error message "MaxVirtualHosts Exceeded"

This indicates a problem with the number of resources being proxied, please contact the Virtual Library if you receive this message:

8. Additional Information About Proxies

What is a proxy server?

A proxy is a server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server, it intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server. Proxy servers have two main purposes: to improve performance and to filter requests. For further information, see

How do the proxy servers work in general?

The first time you use the proxy for a web session, the proxy will request your username and password in order to verify that you are a legitimate user. Once verified, all your web requests will be routed through the proxy. When requests go through a proxy server, they appear to originate from the proxy server itself. Therefore, if the proxy server is licensed to access a restricted resource, then any browser using that proxy will also be allowed access.

What is the NRC proxy?

The NRC proxy is EZproxy. Information on EZproxy can be found at:

Date Modified: 2007-04-25
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