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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Jobs Available Now
Why Choose NRC?
Whom Do We Hire
Employment Programs
NRC @ 90
Preparation for an interview
Newcomers to Canada
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Whom Do We Hire?

Great people. Great minds. NRC's success lies with the talented men and women that give it life. Over NRC's 90-year history, its people have earned an international reputation for excellence and creativity in leading-edge research and innovation - they have won the highest regard in a wide range of fields. The core of NRC's performance and success is the knowledge, imagination and education of its staff.

We demand excellence: Are you up to the challenge?

NRC Job Categories

NRC hires people in different Job Categories, including:

Administration Services (AS): Client Services Supervisor, Project Officer, Administrative Coordinator, Pay and Benefit Advisor, Records Management Coordinator, etc.

Administrative Support (AD): Administrative assistant, Clerk, Human Resources Systems Coordinator, Finance assistant, Library clerk, etc.

Computer Systems Administration (CS): Computer support, Programmer, Web developer, etc.

Financial Administration (FI)

Information Services (IS): Communications Officer, Marketing, Editor, Writer, Publications Officer, etc.

Librarian (LS)

Management Category (MG)

Operational Category (OP): Technician, Trades, etc.

Personnel Administration (PE): Human Resources Consultant (classification, staffing, employee relations, etc.)

Plant Lab Assistant (PLA)

Purchasing and Supply (PG)

Research Associate (RA)

Research Officers/Research Council Officer (RO/RCO): Researcher, Business Development Officer, Industrial Technology Advisor, Engineer, etc.

Technical Category (TO): Technical Officer, Technologist, Designer/Draftsperson, etc.

Translators (TR)

Areas of Research

NRC hires researchers and technicians in many areas. Click here to obtain information on the current Areas of Research at NRC.

Date Published: 2002-12-16
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