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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Jobs Available Now
Why Choose NRC?
Vision and Values
Employment Philosophy and Working Environment
The NRC Advantage
Employment Equity
Whom Do We Hire
Employment Programs
NRC @ 90
Preparation for an interview
Newcomers to Canada
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Why Choose NRC?

NRC is an Outstanding Employer of Outstanding People.

People – our employees and their capacity to serve partners, clients, and all Canadians.

As an organization, we are committed to pursuing innovative policies and programs to build an exciting and rewarding workplace that rivals the great research institutes of the world.

Our goal is that NRC will become the place to work, a badge of pride to be worn by those who have had the opportunity to spend time in our offices and labs.

If now is the time for a career change for you, consider building a future with us. We welcome your help in putting science at work for Canada.

Photo of Dr. Roxanne Deslauriers
Excellence: We demand it. Are you up to the challenge?
"Business results, personal leadership and a commitment to the ethics of people and knowledge - this is what characterizes our vision at NRC."
Photo of Dr. Venkatesh Kodur
Bring a dream and NRC will make it real.
"The unique test facilities and world class research program at NRC were instrumental in realising my dream of becoming the leading world expert in fire resistance."
Photo of Dr. Keith Ingold
Pride in our heritage, our people and our future.
"Staff here are proud of the sense of team work and collegiality, and excel in an environment where people are open and accepting of the expertise each individual can offer."

Date Modified: 2007-04-26
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