With a Team Like This, It’s Hard to be Modest!

Awards of Excellence(November 09) Annually, AECL recognizes an outstanding group of employees with AECL Awards of Excellence. These employees, nominated by their peers, have made significant contributions of excellence in a variety of disciplines and endeavours. Read more

Cornerstone of Canadian Nuclear Industry Turns 50

Foundation group for NRU (1957)At 6:10 a.m. on November 3, 1957, the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor reached criticality for the first time. With that landmark achievement, Canadian science and technology stepped up onto the world stage. More

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The NRU produces the majority of the world’s medical isotopes used in both the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening diseases. Isotopes from the reactor benefit more than 76,000 people each day, more than 20 million people internationally each year – an amazing contribution to world health.

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