National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada
Father and Son Take Flight Together

Father and Son Take Flight Together

For Major Louis Allard and Captain Sébastien Allard, the saying ‘like father, like son,' rings true. "I grew up in Greenwood [N.S.] and when I was young every time I saw a plane over our house I thought it was my dad flying it," says Capt Allard, whose father, Maj Allard,is a CP-140 Aurora pilot in the Canadian Forces (CF). "I knew early on that's what I wanted to do as... » More

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  • Air Force Recruiting
Sea King Detachment Deploys with HMCS Charlottetown

Sea King Detachment Deploys with HMCS Charlottetown

Her Majesty's Canadian Ship (HMCS) Charlottetown is deploying for six months on Operation Altair, Canada's maritime contribution to the continuing U.S.-led campaign against terrorism known as... » More

Veterans' Week 2007: Remembering fallen Air Force members

Veterans' Week 2007: Remembering fallen Air Force members

Although Remembrance Day generally focuses mainly on remembering those fallen heroes from the First and Second World Wars and the Korean War, it is also a time to remember the sacrifices made by all... » More

Chief Warrant Officer Gregoire Lacroix (left) and Chief of Defence Staff General Rick Hillier (right) present Major Gregory Allan Penner (middle) with a Mentioned in Dispatches Award at a formal ceremony. Credit: Cpl Marcie Lane, CFSU(O) Photo Services.

Major Gregory A. Penner - J1 Operations

Maj Penner received a Mention in Dispatches this October for his courageous and selfless actions while serving as a United Nations (UN) military observer in Sudan last year as part of Operation UNMIS. » More

Sgt Scott Elliston - SAR Tech 19 Wing Comox

Sgt Scott Elliston - SAR Tech 19 Wing Comox

"Highlights within my SAR career include:  SAR Camilla-rescuing the crew of a Finnish freighter in the Atlantic for which our rescue Cormorant crew was inducted into the Smithsonian Hall of Fame; SAR Rex Air-rescuing the survivors of a crash..." » More