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Information on Sea Lice

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

Food Safety and Nutrition


Aquaculture is farming of fish, shellfish and aquatic plants in fresh or salt water. - READ MORE


Species profile – Giant scallop
The scallop is possibly best known for its beautiful and distinctive shell. Consumer demand for fresh, high quality scallops make scallops an attractive species for aquaculture development. New technology, scientific research and development and innovative culture methods have increased the viability of the scallop aquaculture industry in Canada.

Species profile – American oyster
Oysters have been a favourite of food lovers and romantics throughout the centuries. It is rumoured that oysters were the first sea animal to be transported from one area to another and cultivated as food. In Canada, oyster farming began early in the 20th century on both coasts. Oysters are popular for their delicate, nutty flavour and briny tang.

To learn more about other shellfish species raised in Canada, explore this page.



Last Updated : 2007-10-11

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