Human Resources and Social Development Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Fairness at Work: Federal Labour Standards for the 21st Century

The report contains recommendations for modernizing Canada’s labour standards to better meet the needs of today’s workers and employers.    Since its inception in 2004, the Commission for the Review of Federal Labour Standards has undertaken wide-ranging research and public consultations on workplace issues, including new employment relationships, work-life balance, and the impact of standards on productivity.

PDF Format of the Report

Table of Contents


Letter to the Minister

Executive Summary

Chapter One - Introduction

Chapter Two - The New Economy, A Changing Society and a Renewed Agenda for Labour Standards

Chapter Three - Setting the Bar: What Labour Standards are Appropriate for the Federal Jurisdiction?

Chapter Four - The Reach of Labour Standards Legislation

Chapter Five - The Employment Contract: Clear Understandings and Fair Dealing

Chapter Six - Rights and Respect

Chapter Seven - Control Over Time

Chapter Eight - Termination of the Employment Contract

Chapter Nine - Compliance

Chapter Ten - Workers Most in Need of Protection

Chapter Eleven - Labour Standards in a Dynamic Economy

Appendix 1 - The Mandate of the Commission

Appendix 2 - Commission Secretariat, Expert Advisors and Stakeholder Advisors

Appendix 3 - Academic Roundtable Participants

Appendix 4 - Independent Research Studies

Appendix 5 - Staff Research Studies

Appendix 6 - List of Briefs and other Submissions

Appendix 7 - ILO Conventions Ratified by Canada

Appendix 8 - Summary of Existing Hours of Work Exceptions and Variations

Appendix 9 - Technical Recommendations