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Sponsor's Objectives
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Sponsor's Objectives

Private sector companies have identified clear objectives that guide their decision making process when evaluating potential sponsorship relationships. The Corporation’s Museums are committed to developing customized sponsorship opportunities that allow companies to meet their various corporate objectives, including:

  • sales driving objectives
  • image building objectives
  • business-to-business building objectives
  • corporate awareness / brand awareness objectives
  • employee participation and incentives objectives

Our Sponsors become involved with the Museums and their properties for many reasons, including exposure to over 700 000 visitors annually, wide-range coverage in our media campaigns and the creative business-to-business and employee benefits programs we can arrange. These unique opportunities are successfully leveraged by our Corporate Sponsors at all three of our national Museums.

Thanks in part to our Corporate Sponsors, each Museum has made great strides in developing and implementing new and improving existing programs and exhibitions. Together, the Museums and their Sponsors have successfully leveraged each other’s objectives beyond what could be achieved independently—through a fresh and creative approach—and you can be a part of this too!

Here is how to reach us for more information on the Corporate Sponsorship Program:

Call us at: 613 990-7621
Fax us at:

613 990-3635

E-mail us at:


Write to us at:

Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation
2421 Lancaster Road
P.O. Box 9724, Station T
Ottawa, Ontario  K1G 5A3


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ImageCanada Agriculture MuseumCanada Aviation MuseumCanada Science & Technology Museum
© 2004 Canada Science and Technology
Museum Corporation

Comments to: webmaster@technomuses.ca
Canada Agriculture Museum Canada Aviation Museum Canada Science and Technology Museum