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Beyond HR : the new science of human capital / John W. Boudreau, Peter M. Ramstad. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Pub., c2007. x, 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "[The book] shows how organizations can uncover distinctive talent contributions, strategically differentiate their HR practices and metrics, and more optimally allocate talent to create value." 352.38 B756 2007 |
Human resource management ethics / edited by John R. Deckop. Greenwich, Conn. : Information Age Pub., c2006. x, 306 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. "The book examines ethics and employment issues in contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM)." 174.4 H918 2006 |
Made in Canada leadership : wisdom from the nation's best and brightest on leadership practice and development / Amal Henein & Françoise Morissette. Mississauga, Ont. : John Wiley & Sons Canada, c2007. xii, 364 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "[The book] seeks to answer three fundamental questions: What are the best ways to develop competent leaders? How to ensure a reliable supply of capable leaders for the country? How to strengthen Canadian leadership?." 658.40920971 H498 2007 |
How Ottawa spends, 2006-2007 : in from the cold - the Tory rise and the Liberal demise / edited by G. Bruce Doern. Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006. vi, 292 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. "The priorities and policies of the Harper conservatives as they confront a climate of change both politically and environmentally." 354.710072236 H847 2006 |
Hiring success : the art and science of staffing assessment and employee selection / Steven T. Hunt. San Francisco : Wiley, c2007. xv, 282 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "[This book] is a comprehensive guide for using staffing assessments to hire the best employees. Research-based, but written in easy-to-understand terms, the book explains what staffing assessments are, why they work, and how to use them." 658.311 H943 2007 |
The consequences of decision-making / Nils Brunsson. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2007. vi, 166 p. ; 24 cm. "This book collects together a wide range of Nils Brunsson's most important writing on decision-making, brought together in one volume for the first time." 658.403 B899 2007 |
Business and public management in the UK 1900-2003 / Duncan McTavish. Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2005. 274 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "This book examines the historical development of business and public sector management in the UK from 1900 to the present day." 658.009410904 M175 2005 |
Coaching and mentoring at work : developing effective practice / Mary Connor and Julia Pokora. Maidenhead : Open University Press, c2007. viii, 248 p. ; 23 cm. "The book focuses on the common ground between coaching and mentoring, offering nine key principles for effective practice." 658.3124 C752 2007 |
Effective project management : traditional, adaptive, extreme / Robert K. Wysocki. Indianapolis, IN : Wiley Pub., 2007. xlvii, 615 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "[This book] not only guides you through the traditional methods, but also covers the adaptive and extreme approaches as well. You'll gain an in-depth understanding of each one and know exactly when and how to use them." 658.404 W994 2007 |
The 5 paths to persuasion: the art of selling your message / Robert B. Miller, Gary A. Williams ; with Alden M. Hayashi. London : Kogan Page, 2007. x, 223 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "Groundbreaking business research reveals it's not what you say but how you say it that is the key to getting important decision makers to say 'yes.' The truth is-it doesn't matter how smart or how slick a presentation is, if it isn't in sync with the decision maker's mindset, then it's bound to fail." 658.45 M649 2007 |
Power points! : how to design and deliver presentations that sizzle and sell / Harry Mills. New York : AMACOM, c2007. xvii, 213 p., 16 p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) "Today’s audiences have come to expect presentations that are not only informative, but also innovative and visually exciting. [The book] shows readers how to create and use stunning PowerPoint graphics and visuals to their fullest, while also speaking with greater eloquence and persuasiveness." 658.452 M657 2007 |
Gallery of best resumes : a collection of quality resumes by professional resume writers / by David F. Noble. Indianapolis, IN : JIST Works, c2007. viii, 424 p. ; 28 cm. "[The book] presents over 400 pages of sample resumes and cover letters, encompassing a broad spectrum of occupations." 650.142 N748 2007 |
Les stratégies des ressources humaines / Bernard Gazier. Paris : La Découverte, c2004. 122 p. ; 18 cm. "Un excellent livre qui vient à point pour mettre à mal l'idée trop répandue selon laquelle stratégie des ressources humaines se conjugue nécessairement avec valorisation des salariés." 658.3 G289 2004 |
Management des compétences : réalisations, concepts, analyses / Jacques Aubret, Patrick Gilbert, Frédérique Pigeyre. Paris : Dunod, 2005. xvi, 200 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "Nouveau champ de la gestion des ressources humaines, le management des compétences permet d’envisager les effets des relations des individus au travail sur la conduite des organisations." 658.312 A895 2005 |
Le management interculturel / Noël Equilbey. Colombelles : EMS, 2004. 215 p. ; 21 cm. "Alors que l'on parle de plus en plus de dialogue, voire de choc des cultures, le management d'équipes interculturelles ne se présente plus comme une spécialité : c'est une situation normale dans l'entreprise. Cet ouvrage s'adresse donc autant aux responsables d'entreprises qu'aux managers eux mêmes et aux personnes qui souhaitent le devenir." 650 E64 2004 |
La gestion du temps / Laurent Hermel. Saint-Denis-La Plaine, France : AFNOR, c2005. xvi, 130 p. : ill. ;21 cm. "Vous êtes pris par le temps ? Vous n'arrivez plus à faire face à vos obligations ? Vous aspirez à davantage d'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie personnelle ?[…] Grâce à une approche pragmatique et très documentée, l'auteur répond à ces questions qui nous permettent d'acquérir les bons réflexes et d'optimiser nos propres rythmes." 650.11 H553 2005 |