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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Scientist – Radio Astronomy

NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (NRC-HIA)

Penticton - British Columbia

This is a continuing position.

Your Challenge
The NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics’ (NRC-HIA) Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO) is seeking an outstanding researcher in observational radio astronomy with a strong record of refereed publications. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain a vigorous research programme. Up to 50 percent of the incumbent’s time will be available for personal research. In addition, it is expected that she/he will play an increasing role in science planning related to the instrumentation being developed at DRAO as part of NRC-HIA's commitment to the Long Range Plan (LRP) for Canadian astronomy. Specifically, these projects are the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) correlator, the Australia Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). In addition to establishing scientific collaborations with both Canadian and international astronomy colleagues, the successful candidate will work closely with the strong team of scientists and engineers at NRC-HIA and with Canadian industry to provide world-leading instruments and facilities for Canadian astronomers.

Screening Criteria
Applicants must demonstrate within the content of their application that they meet the following screening criteria in order to be given further consideration as candidates:

A Ph.D. in astronomy or astrophysics.

Significant experience in astronomy beyond the PhD. Experience using radio telescopes, including data reduction and analysis, is essential. A strong record of publishing innovative research in refereed scientific literature is required.

Experience in leading collaborative scientific projects would be an asset.

Condition of Employment
Reliability Status Check

Language Requirements

Assessment Criteria
Candidates will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

Technical Competencies:
Expert knowledge of:

observation and data reduction/analysis methods in both single dish and aperture synthesis observations at centimetre wavelengths;

radio astrophysics, preferably in at least one of the following SKA key science projects: the origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism; galaxy evolution, cosmology and dark energy; and strong field tests of gravity using pulsars and black holes (http://www.skatelescope.org).

Demonstrated ability to conceive, conduct and publish independent astrophysical research of the highest international calibre.

Ability to:

form collaborations with astronomers both in Canada and around the world;

play a leading role in the international astronomical community;

communicate through clear oral presentations and writing;

collaborate effectively with all members of a multi-disciplinary institute (scientists, engineers, technologists, administrators).

An established record of having played a leading role in the international astronomical community would be a significant asset.

Knowledge of science related to survey-based radio astrophysics, and science over a broad range of wavelengths (e.g., millimetre, infra-red, optical or higher energies) would be an asset.

Working knowledge of radio instrumentation (e.g., RF and digital systems) and of the principles of instrument design, would be an asset.

Behavioural Competencies:
Communication - (Level 3)

Initiative - (Level 2)

Results Orientation - (Level 2)

For this position, NRC will evaluate candidates using the following competency profile(s): Research

All competency profiles are available at: http://careers-carrieres.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/jobsnow/competencies_e.html.

Relocation assistance will be determined in accordance with NRC's directives.

Salary Range
Compensation is determined based on qualifications. In addition, an incumbent occupying a position within the RO/RCO Groups is currently entitled to receive a terminable allowance of $8,000 per year.

Closing Date
01/04/2008 (50 days)
Applications will be accepted until 23:59 Eastern Standard Time

This position is being advertised internally and externally simultaneously, however first consideration will be given to internal applicants.

Job description available upon request.

Please note that a statement of research interest, and the names of three references, must be attached to your application.


A significant amount of work-related travel will be required.

To Apply
All applications must be submitted on-line.  Please do not fax or email your applications. By applying over the web, your application becomes available to managers immediately. Applications must be received no later than the closing date.

You should also be prepared to attach your résumé into the online application form in one of the following formats:

  • Microsoft Word 2000 or earlier
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • ASCII text
  • PDF

As an employer who values diversity in its workforce, we encourage candidates to self-identify as members of the following designated groups: women, visible minorities, aboriginal peoples and persons with disabilities.

Accommodation is available to all candidates retained for further assessment.

Please review useful instructions before applying online.

Click here to Apply

To obtain a copy of the job description
Please direct your questions, with the competition number (40-07-14) to:

HIA HR Team / Équipe RH d'IHA
E-mail: hrb.hiacomp.ext@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Telephone: (250) 363-3436
Fax (250) 363-8766

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