Order Tracker: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQs for all accounts FAQs for Administrators of Multiple accounts
Go to the Order Tracker login page
FAQ's for all accounts
Q. Where is my order in the workflow? A. To check on the status of your orders, consult the Order Tracker or contact the Help Desk.
Q. Why can I not login to Order Tracker? A. Where prompted on the login page, enter your CISTI account number and password each time you want to check the status of your orders. If you are not a registered CISTI client, you must register to order documents and access other services. If you forget your password, check the automated secure look-up function.
Should you continue to experience difficulty logging in after entering the correct account number and password, contact the Help Desk. The Order Tracker feature may have been disabled for your account.
Q. How do I begin conducting a search? A. From the "Search" page, select the date range for the orders you want to track. You can delete a date digit and type a new one, or, using the "Insert" key, type over the date digits (e.g., changing start date from 2003-10-23 to 2003-08-23). Then, go to the bottom of the page and hit "Submit". You can use the additional fields to refine your search.
If you change a value, like a date range or sort option, hitting "Enter" will also start the search.
Q. Why are my orders not listed? A. Ensure the selected date range corresponds with the orders you want to track (e.g., change start date from 2003-10-23 to 2003-08-23).
Q. What are the date range dates based on? A. The dates are based on the day the order was received by CISTI.
Q. How can I narrow my search for a particular order if I don't have the order number? A. Select the date range for the orders you want to track. Then, use the "refine search" options to search by article or publication title, or enter the customer name or account number as it appears on the request.
You may also narrow your search by using Boolean operators (e.g., "and", "or" and "not"). For example, you can search for orders submitted by "John Smith", but that do "not" contain the title "Science".
Q. What is the default sort order? A. Orders are chronologically sorted by the most recent order date/time (number).
Q. How many orders can I view at a time? A. The maximum number of viewable orders is 1,000. If you do not want to view them all, limit your date range accordingly.
Q. How can I refine a search without losing my current data? A. To return to the "Search" page, while keeping your previously entered date range, status sort and refined search options, use your browser's "Back" button.
Q. How can I start a new search? A. Click "New search" on the results page to reset the one-week default on the "Search" page, and delete all previous sorts and refinements to start a fresh search.
Q. How are the status terms defined and arranged, when I sort by status? A. The status of an order is its current stage in the delivery process. The most commonly used status results are: Received at CISTI - The order has been received. Note that this is the only stage at which you can cancel an order online. Processing - The order is being processed, including scanning or copying, and transmission. Pending - The order is in the processing queue. Note that this status may only show for a few minutes. Not Supplied - The order was not filled, due to the reason outlined in the detailed description. Invoiced - The order has been invoiced. Forwarded Extended - The order has been forwarded to CISTI's Link partners for processing. Delivered - The order has been sent from CISTI. Complete - The order process is finished. Note that this status shows for orders delivered by courier or those not supplied. Cancelled - The order was cancelled by the client. Billed - The order has been billed, but an invoice has yet to be produced. Note that this status may appear for up to a day.
Q. How do I check the status for a group of orders? A. After selecting the date range for the orders you want to track, select "Sort by status" on the "Search" page and click "Submit". The various stages of your orders will then be displayed. You can choose between groups of orders to find their particular status.
Q. Who can I contact if Order Tracker does not answer my order-related inquiry? A. Contact the Help Desk with your order number (e.g., CI-123456), if you have it.
Q. How many years of data can I search? A. At present, Order Tracker can search back to three full years from the current date
Q. How can I block other user accounts or my password on a shared workstation? A. Disable the "AutoComplete" function in Internet Explorer, by accessing "Tools", followed by "Internet Options", "Content" and "AutoComplete". Click the box beside "Forms" to remove the check and hit "OK" to apply the modification.
FAQ's for administrators of multiple accounts
Q. What is the difference between Order Tracker for single accounts and Order Tracker for administrators of multiple accounts? A. Order Tracker for administrators of multiple accounts allows an account administrator to view all orders placed by other account holders within their organization. Moreover, viewable orders are capped at 1,000 in the single accounts version and 5,000 in multiple accounts. For further information on this set-up, contact the Help Desk or your CISTI Marketing Officer.
Q. What is the default sort order? A. The orders are sorted by the lowest account number, then by most recent order number. When sorting by order status, they are consecutively arranged by status, account number and order number.
Q. How do I limit the number of accounts listed in my search? A. Holding the "Ctrl" key, click on each account you wish to view. If you want to select a range of accounts, while holding the "Shift" key, click on the first one and then the last one in the desired range. If you select more than 140 accounts, an error message will be generated, as this is the system limit.
Q. Why are some of the accounts, which I know have orders, not being displayed in my search A. Only accounts with orders can be displayed. Ensure the date range selected corresponds to the orders you want to track (e.g., change start date from 2003-10-23 to 2003-08-23). Some accounts may also have ordering privileges, such as "force orders to" or "restrict all", which could be imposing an order rule on the document delivery process.
Q. How do I find out who ordered an article from a particular journal, like The Journal of Science? A. After selecting the date range for the orders you want to track, use the "refine search" options to search for the article or publication title. You can also search for a specific journal subject or user, by combining the two restrictions and clicking the radio button "and", "or" or "not". For example, specify that the "Title" contains "Science" and the "Client Name" contains "John Smith", in the corresponding fields, and click "NOT" to get all orders in that date range with titles containing "Science", excluding John Smith's orders.