Please note: until the proposed
legislation is debated in Parliament and comes into force, the current Divorce
Act applies with respect to parenting arrangements after divorce.
The following web sites provide resources for parents on the Divorce Act
and other issues related to post-separation parenting arrangements.

- Can the Minister
of Justice and Attorney General of Canada help resolve my legal situation?
- When does the
Divorce Act apply?
- What can I do
if I can't afford a lawyer?
- Who enforces
custody and access orders?
- Where can I
find a family law mediator?
- What are supervised
access centres?
- Who investigates
parental child abduction?
- What rights
do I have as a grandparent who wants to see my grandchild?

Resources for Children is
a database of resource materials for children that includes books, workbooks,
videos, web sites and games. It will be useful for parents and for professionals
who work with children affected by separation or divorce.
What happens next?
Information for kids about separation and divorce
The Department of Justice has a new publication for children between the ages
of nine and twelve. This booklet can help children learn about family law, and
can also help them realize it’s normal for them to have an emotional response
to their parents’ separation.

Inventory of Government-Based Family Justice Services (database)
This searchable database offers a listing of provincial and territorial family justice services* such as: mediation, parent education and information, family court services, support establishment and recalculation services, services for children, supervised access and support enforcement. (August 2006)
(*Note: The list of family justice services available in the province of Quebec is not yet available and will be added at a later date.)
Federal Child Support Guidelines Web Site
This site provides the latest information about the Federal Child Support
Guidelines as well as publications for parents and professionals to help
determine child support amounts.
Family Law Assistance Services Web Site
The Family Law Assistance Services Section of the Department of Justice Canada
administers three programs:
- Family Orders and Agreement Enforcement Assistance Unit (FOAEA)
- Central Registry to Divorce Proceedings Unit (CRDP)
- Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Registry (GAPDA)
Provincial and Territorial Government
Web Sites
A list of provincial and territorial government departments responsible
for laws related to parenting after divorce.
Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) Web Site
The Canada Child Tax Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment made to
eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18.
Clearinghouse on Family Violence Web Site
The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence is a national resource centre
for Canadians seeking information about violence within the family and looking
for resources to address it.
Department of Justice Canada Family Violence
Web Site
This site provides information on family violence in Canada and how the Department
of Justice Canada is addressing the issue.
"our missing
children" Web Site
The program "our missing children" operates Canada's National Clearinghouse
for missing children. In this capacity, the unit is linked to all Canadian policy
and related agencies through the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC),
U.S. police agencies through the National Crime Information Centre (NCIC), and
most foreign police agencies through Interpol. Collectively, the partnership
that forms "our missing children" provides a unique and powerful force
in locating and recovering missing children.

Divorce Law:
Questions and Answers
The Department of Justice Canada has published a booklet that provides basic
information about the current divorce process in Canada as well as suggestions
for obtaining more information with respect to family law issues (under the
section More
information). (PDF
Version )
Because Life Goes On... Helping Children and Youth
Live with Separation and Divorce: A Guide for Parents
This Health Canada publication is intended to reach out to Canadian families
in need of information and resources to help their children to live through
the process of separation and divorce. The booklet is also designed to assist
professionals in such fields as social services, health, justice and education,
in their work with children and their parents.(Audio Format, PDF
Version )
Child Abductions: A Manual for Parents
International parental child abductions are increasing, as are child custody
issues in other countries. These are very complex matters. This detailed manual,
prepared by the Consular Affairs Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade, covers both abduction and custody issues.
Inventory of Government-Based Family Justice Services (report)
This report
provides a general overview of family justice services across Canada along with a legislative overview of various family law issues such as: child custody and access, parenting, contact, the best interests of the child, child support, spousal and partner support, taxation of support and enforcement. Section 4, the Profiles of Jurisdictions, offers a listing of provincial and territorial family justice services*. (August 2006)
(*Note: The list of family justice services available in the province of Quebec is not yet available and will be added at a later date.)
Inventory of Government-Based
Services that support the making and enforcement of Custody and Access decisions
An inventory of provincial and territorial government programs that support
the making and enforcement of custody and access decisions, this document
is not intended to be a scientific or statistical study, nor an exhaustive list.
It outlines the services available across Canada that are available to support
post-separation parenting arrangements such as: parent-education; mediation;
family-law information; legal aid; case management; custody and access assessments
and supervised-access facilities. Locations, names and phone numbers of those
who run the programs are provided but only programs or services that are in
force, or have a 1999 implementation target date, are included. (January 2000)

law information: Public Legal Education and Information
Family law information is available from the various provincial and territorial
public legal education and information organizations across Canada. These
organizations offer legal information free of charge.
Family Mediation Canada
Family Mediation Canada is an interdisciplinary association of lawyers,
social workers, human services and health care professionals, working together,
creating a better way to provide for co-operative conflict resolution relating
to separation and divorce, adoption, child welfare, wills and estates, parent/teen
counselling, organizations, etc. It is dedicated to the promotion of mediation
and other forms of non-adversarial resolution for family related conflict.
Canadian Mental Health Association
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) has branches in communities across Canada
and offers web pages on Children and Family Break-up, Separation and Divorce and Suicide Prevention.
Family Service
Founded in 1982, Family Service Canada is a not-for-profit, national voluntary
organization representing the concerns of families and family serving agencies
across Canada.
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada's only toll-free, 24 hour, national bilingual
telephone counselling service for children and youth. It provide
counselling services directly to children and youth between the ages of 4 and
19 years and help adults aged twenty and over find the counselling services
they need. Parents, teachers, and any other concerned adults are welcome
to call for information and referral services. The telephone number is 1-800-668-6868.
