Site map
Please consult the site map for an overview of the navigational structure of our site.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please refer to our FAQ area for additional useful information.
Navigating our Site
Top Navigation
This region remains constant throughout the site. Here, key areas of content were identified and organized into sections. These sections are represented by the buttons within the top navigational region. When you click on any of these buttons, a menu of that section's content will appear within the side navigational region.
Audience Views
This region remains constant throughout the site. In addition to organizing our content into sections (see top navigation), we also categorized our site's content into four separate Audience Views - each with their own distinct audience-related content. This content is the same content found within the sections of the top navigational region; however, it is simply organized differently to aide specific audience groups find related content.
Side Navigation
This region changes depending on which section (see top navigation) or audience view (see audience views) you have selected. When you click on any section or view, a menu will appear in this region displaying a further breakdown of that content.
This region is where all content is displayed. Though the majority of content on this site is available in HTML format, from time to time a pdf format is used to facilitate the displaying and printing of certain documents. To view these documents, you will need to download the free plug-in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Once installed on your workstation, Acrobat Reader will be launched from within your browser each time you select a PDF document for viewing. Please consult the web site of Adobe Systems Incorporated for more technical information regarding their product.
This region remains constant throughout the site. Footer links are available on every page, providing quick access to less frequently used, but nonetheless important, areas such as Important Notices and a free Adobe Acrobat Reader download.
We have designed our site to maximize accessibility for all site visitors, including those who use adaptive technologies to view information. If for any reason you have trouble accessing the content of this site, please contact us at
Important Notices
Please visit our important notices section for information concerning copyright, permission to reproduce, third-party material, privacy, the use of official languages and other related notices.
Comments and Suggestions
Should you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding this web site, please feel free to contact us at
About RSS News Feeds
RSS news feeds. Each news item includes the headline or title, a summary of the news article and a link to the full text document found on the web site.
Instructions on adding a news feed to your News Reader or aggregator
Using your mouse, right click on the XML orange graphic. In the Microsoft I.E. browser "copy shortcut" and in Netscape and Firefox browsers "Copy Link Location" from the pop-up menu that appears. Launch your news aggregator or news reader application and paste the news feed URL into an "add new feed" window. Detailed instructions on how to add news feeds are included in the news reader application that you choose. When news items are published, your news reader/aggregator will let you know through a small pop-up window or other alert device. If you close your news reader/aggregator, you will not be advised of updates until the next time you open it. Unlike e-mail subscriptions, you are not required to provide personal information or an e-mail address to benefit from receiving news.
What is RSS?
Rich Site Summary (RSS) or as some refer to it, Real Simple S yndication, is an XML-based format for content distribution in real time. Feeds will include the date, title, summary and a link to the full news article. If after reading a summary you want to view the full text, simply link to the full text document found on the web site.