Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982

The Constitution Act, 1867
I Preliminary
II Union
III Executive Power
IV Legislative Power
V Provincial Constitutions
VI Distribution of Legislative Powers
VII Judicature
VIII Revenues; Debts; Assets; Taxation
IX Miscellaneous Provisions
X Intercolonial Railway
XI Admission of Other Colonies


The First Schedule 
The Second Schedule
The Third Schedule
The Fourth Schedule
The Fifth Schedule
The Sixth Schedule


The Constitution Act, 1982 

Schedule B Constitution Act, 1982  


I Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
II Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
III Equalization and Regional Disparities
IV Constitutional Conference
IV.I Constitutional Conferences
V Procedure for Amending Constitution of Canada
VI Amendment to the Constitution Act , 1867
VII General

Schedule to the Constitution Act, 1982
Modernization of the Constitution

