The Office for Client Satisfaction (OCS) is a neutral organization that receives, reviews and acts on suggestions, compliments and complaints pertaining to the delivery of Service Canada benefits and services.
The OCS ensures that any feedback received is given due diligence and works to resolve any issues brought to its attention.
The Office for Client Satisfaction is guided by three main principles: promptness; thorough and impartial review; and personalized attention.
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Office for Client Satisfaction.
Discover how your feedback is handled by the Office for Client Satisfaction.
Find answers to your questions about the Office for Client Satisfaction.
Find out when to provide feedback and what to include.
Find out how to provide us with your suggestions, compliments and complaints.
Learn more about the 2006 Baseline Survey on Client Satisfaction and its findings.
Read case examples of the types of dealings the Office for Client Satisfaction has with Canadians.