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Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada
GSC History
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.GSC History and historical resources

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geological Survey of Canada > GSC History and historical resources
Geological Survey of Canada
GSC history and historical resources

The GSC has a rich and fascinating history dating back to its formation in 1842:


Historical resources

  • Written in Stone: William E. Logan and the Geological Survey of Canada
    The GSC in the 19th Century - this site gathers in one virtual space digital versions of many of Sir William Logan's journals, field notebooks, GSC Reports of Progress, maps and other pertinent resources.

    GSC maps in digital form (includes historical maps as far back as 1856)

  • Sir William Logan Collection
    Logan's personal library collection which includes items dating back to the 17th century.

  • Encounters, Early Images of Canada's Aboriginal People
    Since its inception in 1842, the Geological Survey has accumulated a rich record of Canada's Aboriginal peoples in black and white photographs, written documents and maps. The collections will be of inestimable value as resources for research and education and as sources of images for artistic and commercial use. This book is an invitation to explorers of all nations to discover the collections and uncover the wealth of their common past. (from the Library Collections of the Geological Survey of Canada)

    A database describing all the GSC publications (including historical reports, maps, etc.)

  • Earth Sciences Sector (ESS) Photo Database
    Digital versions of GSC photographs (including historical photos as far back as 1860)

  • Earth Sciences library catalogue
    Search the NRCan Library - Ottawa (Earth Sciences) collection on subjects such as the history of the GSC and its scientists, history of science and geology, early explorations of Canada and the Americas, GSC publications, and scientific journals of the 19th century.

  • Collections
    The GSC also maintains national collections of minerals, rocks and fossils collected by GSC scientists from Sir William Logan to today, as well as GSC scientific artifacts. A large selection of these can be found in the GSC museum, Logan Hall. For more information on these collections, follow these links:

2007-04-03Important notices