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Areas of Practice

I always felt I had a lot of support as a prosecutor in the North. This allowed me to pursue a difficult, but rewarding career. Louise Charbonneau, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

The Department of Justice provides legal and policy advice on issues relevant across the mandate of the federal government. Justice lawyers have the opportunity to be involved in virtually every aspect of the law, from the development of policy, to the drafting of legislation, and from litigation to the provision of legal advice to client departments and agencies. The structure of the Department also means that different counsel in different offices, and indeed, in different cities, might work on any aspect of a file, collaboratively bringing their own specialized knowledge and experience to bear on the issues at hand. While some areas of practice are focused on more than others in particular Regional Offices, generally speaking, practicing law in the Department of Justice means working in one or more of the following areas:


Counsel provide litigation, policy and legal advisory services, primarily to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs, on the broad and rapidly developing area of aboriginal law, including aboriginal rights, specific and comprehensive land claims, self-government and Indian Residential Schools. The Aboriginal Law Section has functional responsibility within the Department of Justice to ensure consistency in policy and practice regarding aboriginal law matters.


The Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio is one of the largest and most varied in the Department of Justice. Counsel in this portfolio provide litigation, policy and legal advisory services to client departments and agencies whose mandates have in common a strong regulatory, business or public safety component. These client departments include Correctional Service of Canada, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans, National Defence, the RCMP, Health Canada and Transport Canada.


The Department of Justice is a bilingual and bijural organization, reflecting the very nature of our justice system in Canada. Lawyers and notaries in this area of practice interpret and apply the Civil Code of Quebec as it relates to the work of the federal government. They are also involved in international activities in La Francophonie, Eastern Europe and the Council of Europe, and work to promote access to legal services in both English and French under the auspices of the National Program for the Integration of Both Official Languages in the Administration of Justice (POLAJ).



Commercial transactions and property law issues arise in a variety of contexts and situations among the Department of Justice's many client departments and agencies. The Department's commercial law work is also rapidly expanding into the e-commerce area.


Making the law and the justice system more equitable and working to ensure that Canadian criminal and family law are serving the changing needs of Canadian people, are the challenges of counsel working in this area. Issues such as family violence and child sexual abuse; youth justice; reproductive technologies and other medical-legal issues; equality and equity; sentencing; firearms control and aboriginal justice are among the many in which counsel in this area of practice are involved.


Counsel provide direct legal services to clients such as Environment Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, as well as working on the environmental law issues that arise in the ongoing business of other federal departments and agencies, including Parks Canada, Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs and Fisheries and Oceans.



Counsel practicing in the Immigration Law area represent the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration in hearings and are involved in complex legal and policy issues that involve international, constitutional and administrative law issues.


Justice lawyers are involved in all aspects of the law regulating employment in the federal sector in Canada, including equity and harassment issues and the implementation and enforcement of federal labour law.


Counsel in Legislative Services draft all government-sponsored bills and examine government regulations and statutory instruments for form, validity and compliance with the Charter and other federal legislation. Counsel work with linguistic revisors and legislative editors to assist them in their duties.



Justice lawyers are involved in all aspects of civil, criminal and tax litigation across the country, including civil proceedings, criminal prosecutions under a variety of federal statutes, and income tax appeals. Litigation lawyers work in close contact with their colleagues in Departmental Legal Service Units and client departments and agencies in their role of representing the federal government before courts and tribunals.


The Department of Justice carries out a wide variety of public law responsibilities, providing advice and policy support on constitutional, international, aboriginal, human rights and administrative law issues, as well as on matters involving official languages and judicial affairs. Counsel in this area are the source of expertise in the law that governs the structure and operations of government, and in addition to providing advice and support on legal issues, they also support public law reform in such areas as administrative law and procedure and private international law.


Counsel conduct litigation in all civil appeals from income tax and GST assessment, as well as in collections matters. They also handle certain appeals under the Canada Pension Plan and the Employment Insurance Act. The Department also provides support and advice on the interpretation of the Income Tax Act and works closely with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency in this and related matters. Counsel appear before the Tax Court and Federal Court of Canada across the country.



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