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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

Document Delivery: Fax Delivery

Fax delivery is currently offered as an option for both our urgent and regular services. For a premium price, the urgent service offers a guaranteed turnaround time.

Fax is an easy, quick method of delivering documents. However the quality of a faxed document will never be as good as a document delivered by Ariel or courier (for more information, see Quality). As well fax delivery can be prone to failure due to noise on the telephone lines, or the fax machine being turned off or otherwise not receiving. Manual intervention is occasionally required.

Fax delivery can be to a fax machine or a fax modem.

1. Group III fax machine

If you often use this method of delivery, we recommend the use of a fax machine with laser quality print. This will ensure the receipt of documents with the best quality possible.

2. Group III fax modem linked to a computer

If you often use a fax modem, we recommend that your fax application be available 24 hours a day. This will ensure successful delivery at any time.

We do not recommend the use of shared phone and fax lines, for this increases the probability of connection failures, which will delay deliveries.

Choosing fax as your delivery method:

When choosing fax, at the time of registration, please specify a fax number to which regular or urgent documents can be sent. These fax numbers can be different. This information is entered into our Client Registration System and will become the default delivery method for sending your documents.

Documents can be faxed to you 24 hours a day. When registering, you have the option of having your documents delivered at any time or, if you prefer, you can specify either day or night delivery. Urgent documents are always faxed as soon as they are ready for delivery.

NOTE: If at any time you plan on changing any of this information, please notify CISTI Client Services in advance so that our client registration system may be modified accordingly. If you do not notify us about such changes, electronic deliveries will fail and documents will not be received properly.

Fax delivery testing:

Testing of fax delivery is required for international clients. Once the testing is successful, CISTI will change your default delivery method to fax.

To change your default delivery method, contact:

CISTI, Client Services
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0R6

Phone: 1-800-668-1222 (in Ottawa call 998-8544)
Fax: 613-954-2217
Email: crs.cisti@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

For more information on fax delivery or testing, contact:

CISTI, Information Delivery Systems
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0R6

Telephone: 1-800-668-1222 (Canada & US) or 613 998-8544
Fax: 613 993-7619
E-mail: info.cisti@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

Date Modified: 2004-03-11
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